Chapter 15

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With the night of the new moon passed, Inuyasha found his concentration exceedingly improved as he practiced his kanji and reading with Kadira that morning. In fact, both miko and Hanyou were pleasantly surprised by Inuyasha's ability with the written word. Kadira found herself wondering at the tales she'd been told by her grandmother and mother regaling their fallen Hanyou's strength, but not his intelligence. Obviously, this had been a grave oversight on her ancestor's behalf.

When the noon hour came, Kadira was only mildly surprised her student was called away to dine with her Lord. When the Hanyou became flustered and invited her to join, the elderly miko had only smiled and declined, saying that she could use a rest and would have a light meal in her rooms. Before leaving for his lunch date, Inuyasha had asked if they would be continuing after they'd both eaten, to which Kadira happily agreed that if that was what the Hanyou wanted, then she would oblige.

For Inuyasha, the day passed well. Once again, he enjoyed a peaceful and somehow interesting meal with his brother. The prickly DaiYoukai seemed not to mind his foul language or when Inuyasha called him out on something. In fact, he thought Sesshomaru might actually be enjoying his little outbursts and wondered if anyone else dared speak to his sadistic brother in such a way. Well, if not, then he would more than willingly fill that particular void.

Given the decreased animosity going around, Inuyasha wasn't particularly surprised when Jaken came later that day to inform him Sesshomaru wanted to see him, what did surprise the Hanyou was that instead of the kitchen, his older brother wanted to see him in his private study. But whatever his anxiety, the thought of seeing inside one of Sesshomaru's private rooms more than intrigued him and soon enough he was pattering away after the still oddly polite kappa.


Shippo's seven tails were swishing back and forth wildly and that was saying nothing about the constant pacing he was doing. All around the fox Youkai, books and papers laid scattered upon the floor, along with the shattered remains of more than a few light bulbs. Thankfully, Lord Sesshomaru's private study boasted a wall of windows and enough light that artificial electricity wasn't entirely needed. Unfortunately . . . well, Shippo was currently pacing Lord Sesshomaru's trashed study with one very pissed DaiYoukai brooding behind his desk.

With flickering green eyes, Shippo shot the great Lord of the West a hesitant glance before turning and walking the same track of floor he'd just covered. Despite Sesshomaru's obvious annoyance, he couldn't contain his excitement – up until a few short moments ago, the fox Youkai had believed his adoptive father had died several hundred years prior, but now . . . now everything was different. Lifting his nose to the air, Shippo took in another deep breath, relishing the sweet scents of InuHanyou radiating off both Sesshomaru and to a lesser extent, Kouga.

"It ain't gonna change, no matter how many times ya sniff," Kouga snickered, "the mutt's stench ain't goin' anywhere."

Tail's still twitching, Shippo gave a pout, "Shut it! I just can't believe he's really still alive." Narrowing his eyes, the fox Youkai accused, "How long have you known?"

"Shippo," Sesshomaru's cold voice fell into the room, instantly sending his eyes to the floor. "The Wolf King did as ordered." With a subtle shift of his golden eyes, Sesshomaru looked at the chaos that had once been his immaculate study, until finally leveling his gaze at Shippo once again. "There were many reason's to keep Inuyasha's reappearance silent, some of them in regards to your anticipated reaction."

Letting his own eyes travel around the mess he'd made, Shippo felt his cheeks color in embarrassment. It had been a long time since he'd lost control of his Youkai skills and caused this much of a disaster, but when he'd smelled Inuyasha's scent and then been told the Hanyou was still alive and living within this very building . . . well, he'd lost it. Thrilled beyond measure, the fox's Youkai had surged and caused . . . this. Bowing his head once again, Shippo's tail's dropped. "I'll make sure to clean it all up, Lord Sesshomaru."

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