Chapter 7

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Given his still very fragile condition, Inuyasha wound up sleeping well into the next sunrise and when his eyelids opened, it was Kadira he found beside his bed.

"Ah, I see you've finally awakened. How are you feeling today?"

For a moment, Inuyasha could only stare dumbly into the miko's eyes, his own mind confused as to what exactly was going on; where he was. But soon enough the recognition of his brother's heavy scent hit him, along with the memories of the previous night. Growling in frustration, he brought the palm of his hand to his forehead. "So, it wasn't just a nightmare."

Frowning slightly, Kadira asked, "What are you speaking of?"

"Last night. I thought maybe it was just a nightmare that I'm stuck in the bastard's house. But there ain't no mistakin' that scent."

"Indeed, you are still in my Lords home." Reaching out a gnarled hand, Kadira wrapped her arthritic fingers around the Hanyou's, ignoring Inuyasha's attempt to pull away. "Perhaps I'm not aware of all your history, and I know you've reason to doubt Lord Sesshomaru's motives, but I speak true when I tell you that there is nothing to fear here."

At this, Inuyasha could only laugh, the sound on the verge of hysterical. "Lady, you don't know shit about my asshole of a brother and just for the record, I ain't scared of Sesshomaru."

Patting the top of Inuyasha's hand before pulling her own away, Kadira could only respond, "You are very brave, young one, but we both know it is a lie when you say you do not fear your brother." Kadira only paused for a moment at the low growl erupting from Inuyasha's throat. "Don't interrupt an old woman. Now it is true that I may not know all the facts of your past, but you would be sorely mistaken to assume I know nothing of it."

"-Khe, you sound just like old lady Kaede."

At this, Kadira only beamed. "Although not meant as a compliment, I shall take it as such as she was a very distant relation."

Turning his head, Inuyasha's eyes narrowed while he gave the miko a more critical eye. He had no idea how many generations had passed, but now that he'd taken the time, there was something about this old woman that reminded him of his long lost priestess. Perhaps it was her age or maybe the set of her jaw. Perhaps it was simply the way the woman presented herself or her no nonsense way of speaking. Whatever the reason, Inuyasha felt compelled to believe that this Kadira really was a distant relative to Kaede. Nodding his head as best he could given his current position, Inuyasha gruffed, "Yeah, I can see the resemblance."

He'd thought maybe he was insulting the old hag, but in the end, Kadira only gave him a pleased smile. "Thank you. What a wonderful thing to say."

"As if that's the way I meant it."

"It matter's not how you intended the statement, only how it was received."

"God's be damned, now you're channeling the old hag."

"You should not speak so of your elder's." But the laughter echoing through Kadira's voice negated the scolding nature of it. "Well, if you're done appraising me, I would like an answer to my earlier question. How are you feeling this morning?"

Without the immediate threat of Sesshomaru, Inuyasha allowed himself the time to fully take stock of his current physical condition. Of course he was still in a tremendous amount of pain, but found it not nearly as all encompassing as it had been upon his first awakening. Truly all his major wounds had been mended, but his strength was woefully low. He felt no stronger than a pup and possibly even more debilitated than that considering the amount of energy a pup normally held.

Glancing back up at Kadira, Inuyasha debated his next words. He may not see the miko as an immediate threat, but her actions last night let him know she was squarely on his brother's side. In the end, he decided on a brief, "Better than last night," before arduously pulling his body into a sitting position. The action of which left him panting and dizzy with its effort.

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