Chapter 16

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Sesshomaru was . . . irritated. He'd hoped to end this issue with Tullic this afternoon, but the proof he'd been expecting hadn't come through. In fact, both the Wolf King and InuDaiYoukai had been left waiting throughout their council meeting, a meeting that was supposed to be used to both accuse and pass punishment on that conniving scorpion Youkai. Instead, the meeting had passed as usual, with their expected messenger never arriving. Throughout it all, both Sesshomaru and Kouga remained impassive, neither indicating the ulterior motive behind calling the head council members together. But, just as they had acted as if all were normal, Tullic had not. For the whole of the meeting, Tullic had arrogantly smirked - laughing as if he had not a care in the world, and apparently, he did not.

"How in the hell did he find out?" Kouga growled while jerking a clawed hand through his hair. "We missed somethin', had to of."

"Indeed," Sesshomaru answered, allowing the calm of the elevator to ease his nerves. "It appears as if Tullic's claws run deeper than we thought. Still, it is of no matter, soon enough we shall have him." The confidence lacing the DaiYoukai's voice was not false, for Sesshomaru was as sure of that as he was of his own power. Mostly, the Lord of all Asia found recent events an annoyance, for he had long ago tired of the conniving Youkai he ruled.

"Yeah, I know you're right, but I'd of been happy to have this over. I don't like that asshole. Tullic's overconfident and arrogant. The bastard's got delusions of grandeur. Why he can't be happy bein' the ruler of his own tribe, I got no idea." For Kouga, being the ruler of the Wolf Tribe was more than enough and he'd have been ecstatic to simply stay there with his own clan. Of course, having Ayame waiting in his bed every night was more than a perk to that line of thinking.

As the elevator inched ever closer to his Hanyou, Sesshomaru considered Kouga's words and realized that was one of the other reason's he'd chosen the Wolf King to assist him in more delicate matters of leadership. Kouga was both brash and crass, but he was also honest and relatively simple. The wolf was content in life, and contentment brewed loyalty.

Rolling his shoulders, Kouga released the stressful kinks lying there. They were almost to the residential quarters of Taisho Tower and he couldn't help but snicker. "Bet ya can't wait to see what Shippo's done with that piece of ass you've claimed."

Eyes instantly bleeding red, Sesshomaru's Youkai exploded throughout the small elevator, rocking it on its cables. "Have you lost what little sense you have, Wolf?"

"Shit, calm the fuck down before you send the whole elevator plummetin'."

"Only you would be injured in such an event which only tempts this Sesshomaru further."

Swallowing hard, Kouga cursed his own idiocy. Damn, but his mouth was always getting him into trouble. "I was just kiddin', I – "

"One day, Inuyasha shall be my mate. He is not some simple piece of ass as you so crudely put it. In the future, you will be more respectful of the Hanyou."

As Sesshomaru's Youkai eased from the small space, Kouga took a cleansing breath but evidently still hadn't learned his lesson. "Just because he's gonna be your mate doesn't mean he still doesn't have a nice ass. I mean, Ayame's my mate and she's still got a smokin' ass and pussy – "

"Are you trying to die today?" Sesshomaru asked, his voice barely above a whisper, sending even more chills down the wolf's spine.

"No more than any other day," Kouga mumbled as the doors to the elevator opened.

Wasting no time, Sesshomaru strode from the small compartment, eager to be away from the idiotic wolf, but as he moved further into his home, the DaiYoukai stopped, his mind forming a single sentence, the Hanyou is gone.

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