Chapter 2

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“My Lord . . . wait for me . . . "

Sesshomaru ignored the useless wails of the small retainer scurrying at his feet, the Staff of Two Heads tottering in Jaken's wake. Instead, he kept walking, placing one perfect foot in front of the other, his silver hair floating behind his graceful figure. Below his booted heel, Sesshomaru could feel the soft forest floor and yet his footsteps made no sound as he moved through the woods - a silent, but deadly killer.

"My Lord . . . pant, pant . . . we've been walking for days . . . surely you can tell your most trusted servant where we are going . . . "

Sesshomaru barely heard the words, and even if he had dined a response, he wasn't entirely sure what he'd have said. Jaken was right, they had been wondering for days, and he supposed that to the small toad like creature, it appeared as if they were doing just that . . . wandering. But, in truth, Sesshomaru knew exactly where his destination laid - one of the most ancient forests in all the lands. And now, after days of travel, he was close; so very close to his quarry.

"Lord Sesshomaru," whined the pitiful toad, "couldn't we please just rest humph - Ow," Jaken cried while rubbing his beak-like nose. He'd run head long into the calf of his master's leg when Lord Sesshomaru had finally stopped. Believing his master had stopped due to his begging for rest, the imp mistakenly began blabbering his thanks. "Oh, thank you my Lord, I can't believe - Ahhhhh . . . " was all that was heard as Jaken's body went flying through the trees, an imprint of his precious Lord's booted foot etched across his cheek, a distant "Oomph" signifying an end to the toad's airborne journey.

With Jaken's incessant prattle at an end, Sesshomaru turned his full attention to the looming tree before him. Tilting his chin heavenward, his golden eyes scanned the branches until he found what he was looking for - shots of crimson peaking out from behind emerald leaves.

How long had it been since he'd laid eyes on this site? Truly, Sesshomaru wasn't sure, but knew it to have been at least two centuries, maybe more. What was also unclear was the reason why he'd chosen now to return. He'd had plenty of time to consider that question during the days and nights it took getting here, and still, the great Lord had no answer. Naively, he'd thought the reason would come to him once he was standing in this spot, staring up at the mostly hidden form of his half-breed brother.

As the small breeze continued tugging his silken, white clothes, Sesshomaru remained still as a statue, his eyes fixed upon that singular location high upon the canopy of the great demon tree, Bakusen'O.

"My Lord?" it appeared as if Jaken had finally found his way back. "My Lord, forgive me, but what are we doing here?"

Although Sesshomaru didn't answer his retainer, he did contemplate the question. What exactly was he doing here? Looking inward, the Western Lord tried contacting his inner Youkai, but found the beast quiet and somber - the same as it had been since he'd left the Hanyou hanging in that tree. Silently sighing, Sesshomaru wondered if the fire would ever return to his Youkai self. It wasn't as if his inner demon had abandoned him. No, he was still the strongest and most powerful Youkai in the Western Lands and possibly beyond. But the beast took no joy in anything. Nor did it seem resentful. In fact, the accursed thing was quiet - too quiet, something Sesshomaru had thought he'd enjoy. Something he thought would bring him peace. And, in a way, it had. But . . . but . . .

Jaken stared up at his Lord, following the DaiYoukai's line of site and seeing . . . nothing, nothing but limbs and leaves. Squinting his eyes, he tried desperately to see what his master was seeing, but it was to no avail. Gripping the Staff of Two Heads tightly within his fists, the little toad asked, "Lord Sesshomaru, what . . . what are you looking at . . . if I may be so bold as to ask . . . "

Intervention; Thy Name Is Bakusen'O! || lunamist » vonlaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora