Chapter 28

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As soon as Sesshomaru passed through the barrier, his Youkai was flooded with the scent of Inuyasha's blood - the feel of his intended mates pain assaulting his baser senses. It was all he could do to keep his steps smooth and even. Never in his life had maintaining his exterior mask of coolness been as difficult as it was now. Inuyasha was hurting . . . again. He had failed to protect the one he'd claimed, the one whom meant more than his very own life, the one who should never suffer another harsh word nor wound again.

Following his little brother's scent, Sesshomaru wound through the dark halls, the all-encompassing blackness of the space difficult for even his pure Youkai eyes to see through. But there was a light ahead, a low glow in the echoing silence of this formidable space. Each step he took brought him closer and closer to his Hanyou, and with each footfall, Sesshomaru was equally aware that he was bringing himself nearer to the expected trap Kaplow had laid. But that was of little consequence. Whatever the fool had devised, Sesshomaru would not be defeated. Never in his life had he had something this important to protect. Failure was not an option.

Inching ever forwards, Inuyasha's hanging form came into view and again, the Lord of the West pushed his aching Youkai into the pits of his belly, knowing it was not yet time to let loose the beast within. Now within a few precious feet of his life's blood, Sesshomaru stopped as he stared at the glistening blade hovering at the Hanyou's neck.

"That is far enough, Lord of all the Asian Lands," Tullic stated, his false eyes cold with resolve.

Taking a tentative sniff, Sesshomaru weeded out the InuHanyou blood threatening his sanity, focusing in on the scorpion holding the knife at his Hanyou's jugular. He easily recognized the scent and Youkai as Tullics, but if Kaplow's abilities where what he thought them to be, that meant little.

Eyes traveling up and down the gagged form of his Hanyou, Sesshomaru's anger only grew. It was obvious Inuyasha had been made to suffer. Why had he not called for him? A call of need from his prospective mate and kin would have easily penetrated any barrier. Vision never straying from Inuyasha, Sesshomaru's voice was a cold weight. "What are your intentions, Tullic?"

This seemed to surprise the scorpion, making Sesshomaru even more suspicious. "Intentions? Are they not clear? I am going to kill the half-breed abomination you've claimed as your mate."

Ever calm, Sesshomaru countered, "If this were your only intention, you would have done so by now. This Sesshomaru finds it difficult to believe you stayed your hand only so that I would be present to witness such an event."

Smile twitching his lips, the false Tullic grinned. "Oh, I wouldn't say that's our only goal."

Our? Sesshomaru studied the scorpion Youkai holding the knife at his Hanyou's throat, all the while, Inuyasha's amber eyes appeared tired, but furious. He was frantically rubbing his wrists within his restraints, fresh blood dripping in an endless pool off his dangling toes. Narrowing his eyes, Sesshomaru had the distinct impression his little brother was up to something - that there was some form of intent behind his actions, but for the life of him, he could not figure out what. Recognizing the restraints material, he knew that physical strength could not overcome such bonds, only something as potent as the acidic poison running through his very own veins . . . discreetly sniffing the air, Sesshomaru sifted through the most intense of flavors, finally coming upon the very faint smell of his own poison as it mixed with the Hanyou's blood. Was this Inuyasha's intent? Had he been intentionally hurting himself all this time in the hopes that there was enough of his elder brother's poison left within his blood to sufficiently weaken his restraints?

Inwardly smiling, Sesshomaru wasn't sure if it would be enough, but he admired his little brother for the effort. Why he had ever considered the Hanyou dull of mind, he had no idea. Pulling his attention from Inuyasha, Sesshomaru looked back at the Youkai whom seemed to be Tullic. "It matters not what your intentions are, only that you have taken what is rightfully mine and will suffer the consequences of such a foolish action."

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