Chapter 1(Young)-

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I was not normal.

If anything, i wasn't me, she took over.

Luna took my love, my trust, my happiness.

I was in second grade when my mother and my innocence were taken forever.

It all started with a couple of drug addicts who gave birth to a baby girl. She was loved, don't get me wrong...she was so so so loved, but didn't have a normal childhood at all.


My mother never picked me up from school or dropped me off on time. She was a late person, because of her addiction.

My father was in prison for the same things, but i didn't know because i was so young. After school my janitor would wait with me and make sure my mom came and picked me up. school ended at 3:20 everyday. She would come around 4:30-5. If she didn't come, i would walk home or my sister would pick me up and we'd walk home together.

Later that year we got new neighbors. Their family had two younger boys who transferred into my school.The mother took me to school and picked me up along with her two boys because of the convenience.

One specific day i went home with the mother and two boys but stayed at their house to play. It was my mothers birthday so we all waited while she went to go pick up my oldest sister at her school.

I felt a knot form in my stomach as i heard sirens and cop cars pull up outside. On the inside, even as a young child, i knew that bad things were about to happen. The natural instinct that these were bad noises. Police only come when situations get bad, i thought.

Suddenly a loud knock sounded through the whole house.

The mother of the family opened the door calling me down stairs. A nice women and a police officer stood there. The kind looking women smiled at me, asking to follow her. I paused for a second not knowing what to do looking up at my friends mother. She nodded covering her mouth holding back tears.

The kind women explained her name was Kelly while holding my hand walking towards the miny van parked in front of the house.

I was in shock and scared, what else was a 8 year old girl supposed to do?

I saw my older sister walking out of my house at a fast past with two backpacks around her shoulder stuffed with clothing items. My other sister trying to keep up while holding her eyes and rubbing them...apparently when the police came in, they thought my sister was my mother and pepper sprayed her.

My mom was being escorted to a police car by an officer. I stared at my sisters in shock as they looked at eachother crying. I was so confused. We drove, to what seemed very far away, police station and no one was telling me what was happening. I was frustrated as we were directed to a back room. But still had no words. I couldn't explain this feeling of confusion and misguidance. My Mothers druggy boyfriend, sat on a bench looking down as we walked past. My mother was being held by 2 officers turned around next to a wall. I called out "mommy".

She replied with, "Don't worry baby, mommy will see u soon". Kelly walked us to a quiet room with a couch and toys in it. I just played for awhile while the girls and i waited for someone to come in and tell us where we were going to stay for the night.

This state of not knowing where i was at, where i was going, and who all these people were was absolutely petrifying.

(I hope you guys like the story so far, all of these facts are true. I did change some names and left some out but that's about it. i love you all and stay tuned for more chapters.)-Katey((((:

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