Chapter 17(Better)-

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So for now, i don't give up.

I'm trying so hard to stay above water,and not be one of those sad depressing stories you hear on the news about "the teenager who killed themselves" because it's not worth ending.

If you have the ability to create something amazing or even something that makes you happy,or smile.Then why not.

Stay alive,because you'll never know who you will save.

Just like Tyler Joseph, and Josh Dun.They creating something that only them believed in for that moment and inspired so many people to create,and to stay alive just till tomorrow because it might get better,and you might find your purpose. 

I'm not saying that it's hard or easy to find your purpose because some days it's hard,and some days are easy to keep going.Like some days i want to write, like i just have those days where i'm full of emotions and want to spill it out onto a paper...or a computer.But either way, i love writing, and there's days where i don't want to write,or i just don't feel anything, so i can't write.

I think i might want to do something with writing. 

As in my future.

I love writing and feeling emotions because i crave that all the time,but i don't like all the punctuation and spelling. 

I'm actually terrible at spelling.

But i really do enjoy telling people stories that might help them!

(Whoops...i haven't wrote in so long.But its okay,i'm back, for now.Love you all. XOXO)-Katey

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