Chapter 11(Strong)-

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It bothers me too much when people think they're helping and say words like, "You're so strong".

I think its because Luna tells me there all lies and convinces me that i'm not.

I mean i try to be most of the time but i gets hard and i understand that.And i also get that they are just trying to help but it not. 

That's were Emily and Jocelyn come in,they understand what i'm going through so they know the wrong and right things to say.

I feel so important when i talk to them!

They tell me so many things to think about when i don't want to keep trying, or i just want to stop Luna.

She tells me that if i wanted to end the voices...i would have to end me...i would have to end my life.I believed her when she said i started something i shouldn't have,but thanks to my friends and all the love they showed me i have,i stopped and its hard not to make bad decisions everyday but i know that wasn't okay.

It wasn't okay with god...and it was definitely not okay with my body.I guess i am growing to be happy, but i wouldn't really use the words happy.

Like ever.

I'm not even close to happy at this point in time. Who knows, maybe i will be happy one day.But not now. I need to work to get there!

(Oops! Short chapter....Love you all and keep reading!!! XOXO)-Katey(((( :

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