Chapter 3(Taken)-

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A while back when i was still with my mother,i saw my dad every once in awhile.But when all of this was going down,my father was getting drug tested,going to court,and fighting to get me and my middle sister.

My step grandmother Elke,or Mimi, tried getting my oldest sister because she was almost 18.But that process took a long time so we had to go to a more long term foster home.Our family friend Stacey and Bill took us in for awhile as my father and Mimi were trying to get passed for adopting my oldest sister, my middle sister, and i.

We stayed there until the end of fourth grade for me.

My father and my stepmother took me after my ballet performance in the summer.I was so happy that i was finally going to be with my dad.I left the foster house before any of my siblings did. My middle sister left to move in with us a couple months later and my oldest sister left to live with Mimi.

Mimi was very kind to be letting in my sister in like that.I started a new school again and my middle sister went to a school for drop out kids called Rancho. My middle sister was a troubled kid and was very angry most of the time.

My mother was clearly on drugs because she never did any of the classes for parenting or even went to court for me and my sisters.

My oldest sister left high school early and met her girlfriend Mercades .They were a cute couple and i supported my sister 100%.She moved in with her and were really happy for a long time,she even got a job at Panara Bread and owned her first car.My middle sister on the other hand jumped on the drug train right with my mother.Then she decided our city was not a good place to get clean at if she just knew all of her connections.So by herself she picked up and left to move in with her real dad.

Her dad,Scott,had a bad drug problem too but got it together and lives with his girlfriend my sister and her half sister.She has her own jeep and job.Even though we haven't talked in awhile i know shes okay and i believe in her.

I haven't seen my mother on a regular basis and still miss her.I know shes done bad things and still wont get her stuff together,i still love her and that does not mean shes a terrible person she just does bad things.

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