Chapter 2(Memories)-

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The kind women, Kelly talked with my sisters for a while sometimes separately and one time all of us together. She asked us questions like are we being abused, are we being sexual abused, emotional abused, or were we ever harassed. The typical CPS worker questions. Then, Kelly started towards the door and asked us if we prefer any different types of snacks. We all just shook our heads silently. Things have been particularly strange, to myself i had many thoughts. Being in such an unknown place, just with the two people who ever have taken care of me. On the inside i was scared but i've never been good at showing that type of stuff.

Kelly stepped out of the room shutting the door, we all just sat there not talking...just sitting.

My siblings were mostly used to this because it had happened before, but i was too young to understand what was really happening. Eventually, Kelly came back in and asked us if we needed to use the restroom. After that i don't remember much, except that night we ended up in her office with couches, bathrooms filled with a lot of different sizes of clothes, and a refrigerator filled with food.

My oldest sister pulled me into the restroom and told me to trust Kelly and never lie to her because she needs to know what mommy did. I tried asking her where mom was and she said abruptly..."away".I was still filled with confusion and was very tired. My sisters eyes were dull, and not as bright as they were usually. She radiated a vibe of the unknown.

I think that night i fell asleep quite quickly. We all woke up and Kelly had to make a few calls, she said "she wanted us to stay together".I found out that she didn't want us to be separated when we went to the foster house. To be completely honest, i've always been a very curious person, and at such a young age, practically everyone is, but at the time, i kept quiet. Didn't ask many questions. Confusion filled my mind and running thoughts invaded.

We drove for about 2 hours, they didn't want us to be close to my mother because i think she wasn't charged with anything so she would get out within 24 hours.

I was so young nobody told me anything.

We finally got to this old looking house. Obviously in a more lower income area, not taken care of, loud. An older, Mexican women answered the door and took our bags.

I cant recall the women's name but her and Kelly went through all the rooms inspecting each and every one for us to stay in, and they talked for a little. We were told my oldest sister got a big room by herself and me and Kelsey shared a smaller room. I was fine with it at the time cause i thought i would end up running in her room and sleeping with her.But when it was time for bed, the lady asked if we needed to use the restroom because she had to lock the doors. For a long time i didn't understand why she did that, until i got older i realized it was for safety purposes of the foster mother. Because for all she knows, me and my sisters could have came from an axe murderers house.

I just looked at Kelsey as she shook her head and i got scared. She mostly kept to herself, me and her never really had a one on one connection after she had done things to me when i was younger. It wasn't her fault. She didn't know any better. I made it to the morning with almost no sleep. The women always watched TV and we had nothing to do, all of us had Little Cesar's every night.It was pretty awesome for me because i was a kid but i don't think the older girls liked it very much.

We stayed there for a week.

I Will Fear The Night AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora