Chapter 20(Sleep?)-

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I'm not sure if i should try to go to bed tonight.I mean i never fall asleep until like 1:00 anyways.But i need the sleep, i hate being tired at school.So i might try to fall asleep tonight but not drain my energy tomorrow.

And as i was saying i don't really have that much of an eventful life anyways,i mean look at me.

I'm sitting in my room playing music, and writing a dumb,so called "book", that no one will even read anyways.But i do like writing, it's sort of venting,or therapy,but without all the feeling questions.

Therapy makes me feel more crazy anyways.

But i'm actually really excited because i get my phone back tomorrow.And my parents will give me my phone and say that im on it way too much when i don't even have my phone all week because they take it, i'm not ALWAYS on my phone.

But i am super happy at the moment because i get to talk to my best friends!

They honestly mean the world to me and i have no clue where i would be without them! So if you're reading this Emily, or Jocelyn, then i just wanted to let you know,You're amazing and i love you two so much!And thank you for waiting for me on Fridays...

Anyways, i want to go to a friends house or might even want to spend the night a some people's houses that i don't really yay me on making new friends.

(im trash and this book is pretty boring...might delete.Idk no one even reads.)XOXO-katey

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