Chapter 19(Footsteps)-

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I have a story...

I got home from a very eventful day at school.

I had been yelling and screaming/cheering all day because our annual talent show had just been the best one in history...anyways, so i was really tired from all that jazz and a bunch of drama going around.

I don't even know why to be honest.

So i went home did my homework,which didn't take long,then i went in my upstairs hallway to pet my dog.

I laid down of the ground with him and i was just petting him when i drifted of to sleep.

I didn't even remember sleeping,but then i heard footsteps going up my stairs and i didn't want anyone to step on me,so i sat up super fast and said,"I'm sorry,you scared me." My step mom looks at me and says "You okay?".

I freaked out.

I have no clue why,but i just started to get really mad and literally wanted to punch someone.

So i said "ya" all quiet and went into my room and fell onto my bed.

I laid down and soon drifted of to sleep silently.

It is never that easy for me to sleep.Like EVER! I eventually woke back up around 7:00 pm.

No one was home except my brother and i didn't want to ask him where everyone was, well because... he would probably give me some made up weird answer and say "shut up" or something.

So i avoided that...I still have no clue how to go to bed at a regular time at night because that's how much i hate the night time.

Its just scary to me...and no,i'm not scared of the dark.Its just that's when all the voices start again.

(Anyways...that was just a filler you all.)XOXO-Katey

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