Chapter 5(Music)-

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The little things are what keep me going in life.Like the kind comments, or smiles from strangers, and especially art.

Music carries me away to a different place. Different air,different life,different me.All i feel is the beat and the lyrics of the song as i'm listening to it.

Or a beautiful painting.

Or really amazing poetry.

I am now a teenager,13 years old and i feel...not happy...and not sad.I don't know what i am.

I have been listening to this amazing band introduced to me by my friend Kylie. Its called Twenty One Pilots.They have meaningful words, filled with inspiration and love.

Then there some sad,depressing songs that really get me.I understand everything they are saying even though they are using metaphors and bigger words instead of what the really mean.

Its hard to explain but this band, well its like they are talking to me.I have never felt this before.Twenty One Pilots talks about not knowing the purpose, and i don't know either,well i guess nobody does.But Tyler the singer,talks about writing music and listening to music is his way of dealing with life.Like his purpose.And he said in one of his songs that if you write something,or make music,or art then purpose will start to surface.

I have so many questions for him on his music and his lyrics.I love how he puts how he feels into music,and they may not be happy feelings. That's what i love about this band.

There broken and they just try to get by,with inspiring others.

Its not about the money or fame for Twenty One Pilots.

I follow all these fans on Instagram and they love this band just like me. And they are so kind and such a loving fan base. Yes, some people are jerks but your going to find that everywhere you go, there's no escaping the bad, but we push through.

All i want is to be successful and happy, but i don't know how to be happy right now.I have all these questions about life, and what am i here for.And these guys seem to have that problem too.And they get by with music, so whats my way to get by?

Another song by them is called Kitchen Sink, and i'm actually listening to it right now, but one verse says "you don't know what that means,because a kitchen sink to you is not a kitchen sink to me".I looked up an interview about him saying something happened to him at a kitchen sink that made him see that death wasn't for him, that he can live and will find his purpose. But he didn't tell the crowd what it was because if he told us then it wouldn't be special to him anymore.

So that memory helps him get up on stage and inspire people.

(I hope this makes sense i'm bad at explaining things and i have no words to say,i barley can

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