Chapter 22(Attention)-

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I don't know how i felt today honestly...I can't describe it.It was sort of a nothing feeling.

Maybe i just didn't want the attention because i didn't want to be bothered.But i have felt this feeling on and off again for a couple of days now.

Yesterday i felt happy,upset, and even loved.But the day before that i was nothing.I felt no emotions,i was like plastic.Fake.

So i don't know what to feel really right now as i'm writing this because...well i don't feel any emotion.

I mean this has been going on for a couple of days now...and i don't like doing this.I'm over this empty feeling that's never going to stop.I want to feel happy,love,cared for,upset, or even mad.But i hate the days where i feel nothing.

Wouldn't you?

I can't be told that i'm strong anymore.Its so hard.School is hard.Kids are mean.Gossip is killing me.And rumors are being spread.And no, none of them are true!

I hate everyone thinking they know me when half the stuff they supposedly know,isn't even true.Like stop.If you're going to hate,SAY IT TO MY FACE!That's why its here honey.So if you have a question or a comments,i'm here.

People are so rude and just love hating.I's true though.I barely even have any friends anymore because they all gave into lies and drama.I don't need it,so i told pushed them away.

I do that to so many people now that i think about it...not on purpose or anything...well kinda,but i don't really mean it.Like when i get too close to someone i love,i ruin it.I just realized that i do this recently.I stopped writing for a couple of days there because i didn't have any words to describe how i felt...or didn't really feel.I don't know whats real or not anymore.

(Any recommendations on what to do?i feel so empty now.and if you could give me new songs to, that would be cool cause i need new music.)XOXO-Katey

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