Chapter 8

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~A/N~ I was walking through my village today and I swear everyone I could hear was Welsh. I don't even live slightly near Wales.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"THIS IS HALLOWEEN, THIS IS HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN, HALLOWEEN!" Fred, George, Calum and I sang, running around the common room screaming the Halloween song, much to Hermione's annoyance, who was continually glaring at us from the corner.

"What's going on?" asked Luke, coming down the stairs with Michael and Ashton, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"It's Halloween!" Calum and I chorused, twirling around him. Having never really celebrated Christmas, Halloween was my favourite holiday, and Calum seemed to share my love for it. Ashton, Michael and Luke, however, were not as enthusiastic.

"That's nice, can we go to breakfast now?" suggested Michael, grabbing mine and Calum's hands and pulling us out of the common room, in the direction of the Great Hall. Luke and Ashton followed quietly, and we wandered down to where we usually sat to eat breakfast. Neville was already there waiting for us, halfway through his meal.

"Happy Halloween!" I said, sitting down opposite him.

"Toast's good," he replied through a mouthful of food. "I can smell pumpkin."

"That's nice, Neville," said Calum, "but please close your mouth when you eat."

"You sound like my mum," remarked Luke.

"I try," winked Calum.

Suddenly, Fred and George appeared beside me, grinning from ear to ear.

"It's all set up," George whispered to me. "We managed to convince Peeves to knock something over, and Lee's going to run to Filch, who will go to the fourth floor. By the time he gets back to his office, we'll be long gone."

"What could go wrong?" finished Fred.

"What's going on?" Ashton asked, and I told him about our plan to swap all the sweets in Filch's office for hiccough sweets. The boys all found it hilarious, to my relief - when I told Hermione, she had been horrified and threatened to report me to Professor McGonagall.

"Ready to go?" asked Fred, and I nodded, having finished with my toast. Together we ran upstairs and I saw George give Lee Jordan the signal. A crash followed soon after, and I could hear the boy telling Filch that "Peeves has knocked something over again, what a nuisance her is, he's on the fourth floor, you should probably stop him." Taking that as our cue, Fred, George and I sprinted over to Filch's office just in time to hear him strolling up the stairs, loudly grumbling about Peeve's habits.

"Quick, we probably don't have long!" I whispered hurriedly, and the three of us started tearing into boxes of sweets and chocolates, replacing them with the shiny round drops that could cause so much irritation. Being the greedy old wretch he was, Filch wouldn't notice anything.

We worked quickly but diligently, carefully resealing each box to make it look like nothing had happened. About to leave, Fred opened the door, but we were met with a most unwelcome sight.

"Well, well, well, what do we 'ave 'ere?"

"I can't believe you've got detention," tutted Hermione as we walked down the corridor. The trick was, although we got caught, a success, and I couldn't wait to pull another. Something I definitely could wait for was the detention Filch had given me. If Fred and George hadn't been there I would've been terrified, but they made so many funny comments and whispered reassuring things in my ear during our lecture to make sure I wasn't scared.

Thankfully, I was serving my detention with the two twins, so I was sure it wouldn't be as bad as I first thought. Hermione, on the other hand, seemed to think that detention would be the end of me.

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