Chapter 16

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~A/N~ Hey I know it's been ages and this is all prewritten so I don't have much of an excuse but I have mocks soon so I'm never not revising, and I've forgotten how to use the words, much sorry thanks
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

The day I was to leave for Hogwarts couldn't arrive soon enough, in my opinion. The Diagon Alley trip had just reminded me of how much I missed everyone, and how much I wanted to escape Zara's harsh words and the constant annoying whine coming from Sofiyah.

I had reached a non-verbal agreement with Zara that appeared to be mutual. When forced to speak to each other, we would treat each other with civility and respect. Otherwise, we would just avoid each other and complain behind each other's backs.

However, on the way to Platform Nine-and-three-quarters, she had broken this agreement and kept going on about how many magical people there were.

"Look at all these freaks," she complained quietly after surveying the area. I swirled my mango milkshake around my cup, focusing on breathing deeply, trying not to let out all the pent up anger that had been forming over the holidays.

"Honestly, do they all get dressed in the dark in the mornings?" she muttered loud enough for me to hear but no one else. Chewing my straw, I tried to force down all the rage clawing at my chest like a lion breaking free.

It was when she said, "I can't believe I'm actually related to one of them. They're not even humans, they're a different species!" that I lost it. A tidal wave of fury washed over me and poured onto Zara, soaking her from head to toe.

Not a metaphor. Zara was dripping with my mango milkshake that I had thrown over her in my attack. I barely had time to appreciate the damage before my mum cried my name in a voice that only meant trouble and I was sprinting off towards the barrier, faster and faster towards the brick wall...

Safety. I didn't stop running until I was safely on the train, although I knew they wouldn't follow me through the barrier. Wandering through the hallways, I greeted Neville and a few people I recognised while glancing into the different compartments, looking for my friends. It wasn't long until I found them- Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton, with a space saved for me next to Michael.

As soon as I opened the sliding door, I was enveloped in warm hugs from the four boys, then we sat down and started catching up.

"Why are you out of breath?" asked Calum, leading me to acknowledge my exhaustion. Given that we didn't have P.E. at Hogwarts, I wasn't the fittest of children, and sprinting from where I was with my family to the train took a lot of the energy out of me.

"Oh, you know Zara?"

The boys nodded, and Ashton made a noise of disgust.

"She was being rude about wizards, so I tipped my milkshake on her and legged it through the barrier."

Everyone burst into giggles and snorts, Ashton's contagious laughter ringing through the air, until the train door opened to reveal Hermione.

"Leila!" she squealed, hugging me tightly while the other boys exchanged wary looks. "I can't find Harry or Ron anywhere! I don't think they're even on the train!"

"Don't be silly," I sent a worried glance out of the window anyway. "They'll be here somewhere. Just sit with us, they'll come find you."

She smiled gratefully, taking a seat next to Ashton who instantly started chatting away about lessons. I smiled at their antics, happy my friends now accepted Hermione and actually liked her, no matter how much they denied it.

A crackling brought the smile off my face, replaced with a confused frown. "What's that?"

"These," replied Luke, holding up a pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.

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