Chapter 11

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~A/N~ I had a dream I was in 5sos and I'm thinking of writing it down as a book idea. I have a lot of ideas though, so I might never end up writing it. Also there's not much room to develop it, it was just a nice idea.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

The holidays ended quickly, and it seemed like no time at all before everyone came back. Obviously I was delighted to see Calum, Ashton and Hermione but I couldn't help the sinking feeling in my chest that came as a result of having to do work again.

One thing that did take away some of the stress on my shoulders was confiding in Hermione about Ollivander's warning about my wand. I had been thinking about it one day, more than usual, and my best friend could tell something was on my mind. She took me to the girls' toilets (where we wouldn't have to worry about being overheard as no one wanted to go near Myrtle's bathroom) and I spilled everything. Hermione was anxious of course, but hid it extremely well, being very encouraging and insisting that I wasn't to worry.

Any thought of Nicholas Flamel had completely slipped my mind in all the excitement of the first week back, and it wasn't until one night in the common room when I remembered him. Surprisingly, the reminder came in the form of a chocolate frog card.

I had been playing an incredibly tense game of exploding snap with Ashton, when I overheard Harry talking excitedly about something. Listening more closely, I heard him say, "Professor Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindelwald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner Nicholas Flamel!"

Jumping to my feet, I dropped my Exploding Snap cards and left a very confused and bewildered Ashton to go to the dormitory, where I had left the huge book with the passage I had found about Nicholas Flamel. Spotting the book about muggles doing magic, I made a mental note to read more of that at some point. It had never taken me so long to get through a book.

I grabbed the heavy book and sprinted back to the common room, to where Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting. Opening the book to the correct page, I dumped it on Hermione's lap with a hurried explanation before leaving them to read it in confusion, and went back to my snap game with Ashton.

"Are you going to tell me what that was about?" asked Ashton, raising one eyebrow. I shook my head with a smile, and he just sighed, copying my expression and placing down a card. The enlightened cries of the three behind me were satisfaction enough.

Nothing interesting happened for the rest of the week, except for Gryffindor's spectacular Quidditch victory against Hufflepuff. Even Luke, who was still bitter about Harry being on the team, joined in the celebrations.

"Leila!" shouted a voice, and Fred appeared at my side, having to yell over the cheers of the Gryffindors to be heard. "Do you want to sneak into the kitchens with me to get cake?"

"Sound good," I agreed, barely taking any time to consider the outcomes. The two twins had brought out my troublemaker side in full blast, and to be honest I was more than happy about it. Being uptight was boring, and I was much happier this way, however much my parents and Hermione would disapprove.

Together we left the crowded common room, grabbing Calum to join us as we left. He was easily Fred's favourite out of my friends (while George had a preference towards Michael), and they had quickly become very close.

"How do we get to the kitchen, exactly?" I inquired. I had never been to the kitchens before, as far as I knew they were off limits to pupils.

"Just follow me," said Fred, barely suppressing a smile. Calum and I exchanged a look. After wandering halfway across the castle in silence, Fred spoke again.

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