Chapter 14

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~A/N~ My eyelashes keep falling out which means I keep getting to make wishes but also I'm losing eyelashes so...
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Exams came quickly, and for weeks the library was packed full of stressed students. Even Luke and Michael were doing their own revision, without Ashton or I having to force them. Hermione was more stressed and grumpy than I had ever seen her before, and Neville was radiating nerves so strong they cooled the air. Calum was prepared but still quite relaxed as he did his revision silently by the fireplace, occasionally helping Luke or Michael.

As for me, the exams were definitely taking their toll. Dark circles sat under my eyes, and I yawned at least once every minute, but without Ashton I would've been worse. He looked after me, making sure I knew when to put my notes away and when to stop working. We spent all free time in the library together, revising and pooling our notes until we were sure we would get top marks in every class.

By the time exams came, I was exhausted. Never had I worked so hard for something, and I was sure it had paid off. The heat of the exam rooms didn't bother me as I found I was easily able to remember facts during written exams, and my wand, despite my earlier hesitations, did me very well in all my practical tests. In fact, I'm sure that during my Transfiguration exam, in which I had to turn a mouse into a snuff-box and points were awarded for how pretty it was, the beauty of the wand did something as my snuff-box turned out a shiny silver with precious amethysts embedded in the surface to form a glittering rose.

Even Potions went quite well, for although I had forgotten how to make every potion beforehand, so did everyone else and I must have been about average. After the last exam, which was History of Magic, the class erupted into loud cheers and I ran down to the Black Lake with the boys for an afternoon of relaxation.

"Thank god that's over," sighed Michael, lying back so the Sun could hit some of his pale face. "I think I did quite well."

"Me too," I agreed, and Calum snorted. "What?"

"Course you did well," he said. "You're Leila Ahmed."

"But that Potions test was horrible," groaned Luke, face down in the soft grass. "I couldn't remember anything."

"Maybe the reason none of us can remember how we did is because we had to try the potion at the end which made us forget," I realised. "It was a Forgetting Potion, after all."

"Makes sense."

That night, I couldn't sleep. I don't know what it was, whether it was post exam stress or the excitement of the end of term, but no matter how much I tossed and turned I wasn't taken into the land of dreams.

Eventually, I decided to get up to get a glass of water, thinking that maybe thirst was what was preventing me from sleep. After pouring myself a glass from the jug under the window, I leaned against the cool stone wall and looked at the other girls sleeping.

There was the empty bed in the corner, then my messy bed, then Hermione, Parvati tossing and turning, followed by Lavender who was smiling in her sleep. 

My heart stopped and I looked back over the room. Hermione wasn't in her bed.

I was in a bit of a dilemma. On the one hand, if I just went back to sleep then Hermione would probably be fine in the morning. On the other, I had a strong feeling that something was wrong, and it couldn't hurt to check and make sure my friend was safe, could it?

I wonder, had I known then what would happen, if I would've stayed in bed all nice and warm with nothing to worry about. But I didn't.

Grabbing my dressing gown from the end of my bed, I wrapped the warm material around me and slowly opened the door, wincing when it creaked loudly and checking that Parvati and Lavender hadn't awoken.

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