Chapter 50

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~A/N~ Right now I'm in my pyjamas and my hair is tied into 6 plaits because I got it cut today and the hairdresser straightened it but I want my curls back bc it looks ugly and I can't wait for it to go back curly naturally so I've improvised and I look like an idiot.
Edit: I also wrote a brutal takedown of 'Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children' on my blog so if you want to read it there's a link in my bio
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Look, it's the Three Musketeers!" the children in the park whispered, pointing at us and I giggled at the absurd label we had been appointed with. Still, better than 'the Ahmed twin' or 'dwarf', I suppose.

"So, Camilla," Tilly Hawthorn's tiny voice took over. "They are the Three Musketeers. But don't be scared because they're very nice Musketeers and they're our friends."

"Is that right, Tilly?" Calum shouted over the fence and the three of us laughed as Tilly almost fell off the swing when she noticed we had been listening in.

"I'm glad we count as friends," Naadiya chuckled and all the children turned red, except for one mousy-haired shy looking girl in the centre with huge glasses, almost bigger than her face, who my twin addressed kindly. "You must be Camilla."

Of course, we had heard from village gossip Amberly Weatherson all about the newest addition to our village. A new family was moving in next to the Hawthorn's farm, and it seemed that Tilly, the youngest Hawthown at just seven years of age, had taken it upon herself to introduce the young girl Camilla to the entire village.

I know Castle Combe wasn't huge, but the whole village in one day? All that attention would make me explode - that wasn't rare, though, as I got little attention being the middle child.

Zara, however much we detested each other, I had empathy for. As the eldest, she got a fair amount of attention but it was mainly bad attention. It's no secret that the eldest child is the experiment, the one to blame when someone does something wrong. However, she had gone to Brazil for a course for a month and despite that being mainly a good thing, I had shifted into her place as the eldest and was now beginning to realise what a pain it was, and why she seemed so grumpy around family all the time.

Sofiyah didn't know how lucky she was.

"What am I going to do when you leave?" Naadiya asked, referring to the Quidditch World Cup, which Luke's family was taking us to see. "Also, how did you even get tickets? Aren't they supposed to be really expensive?"

"You'll be fine," Calum brushed her off. "And Luke is related to the guy that's running it, I think he's called Ludo Bagman, so we all get in free."

"Isn't Quidditch just, like, the wizard version of football though?" asked Naadiya. "And Leila, you hate football. You find it the most boring thing ever."

"I'm more looking forward to seeing all my friends again than the actual sport," I explained. "And at school it's really exciting because you're cheering for your house."

"At Hogwarts no one really talks about football," Calum said. "It's weird, because I come home and everyone's talking about how Manchester United is winning the league and I know nothing about it. I used to be so good at football too."

"You used to be modest as well," I chuckled and he smirked.

"I've never been modest."

"You don't say," Naadiya shook her head.

"Ah! Leila, Naadiya, Calum! Just the people I've been looking for!" a high-pitched voice chirped, followed by the shimmering golden locks of Amberly Weatherson flying into view.

"Hello, Miss Amberly," I said politely as I could, while holding myself back from telling her to get lost as we weren't in the mood to hear the latest gossip.

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