Chapter 73

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~A/N~ Happy results day to any GCSE or A-Level students getting their results! We got fucked over by the government initially but it's all ok now
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

A week later, the euphoria still hadn't worn off from winning the second task, and we were all in ridiculously high spirits. I was sat in the common room with Luke sprawled across the sofa, head in my lap as I absent-mindedly stroked his hair, when I was reminded of another exciting thing happening.

"It's the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow," said Luke happily, and for a split second I thought he might ask me but I quickly shook the thought from my mind - he still liked Noemie.

"I completely forgot!" I smiled. "What's the plan?"

"Well, I don't have anything particular in mind apart from getting more Honeydukes' stuff," he mused. "If you want anything, I'll come with you - I'll even let you drag me around the dress shops."

"I've already splashed out my clothes allowance on a dress for the Ball," I sighed. "Anyway, it's not like you would want to come."

"I'd come for you," he grinned cheekily and I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance.

"Leila?" A shy voice came from the side, where Hermione and Ashton were stood. It was the former that had spoken, while the latter sat down without so much as a glance in my direction, and although my heart was shattering with the loss of a friend, I looked up at the bushy-haired girl expectantly. "Can you come to the dorm with me? I need advice."

"Um, of course," I said, confused as I motioned for Luke to move off my lap before pecking him on the cheek and following Hermione up the stairs to the dormitory. "I think Ginny's up there already with Luna, if you want her to hear too."

"Yeah, that's probably best. And Luna's nice enough too, I just don't want the boys or Lavender and Parvati to be around because they'll overreact. I have boy trouble, but I need sensible advice."

Shoving open the heavy door, I stepped into the dormitory only to sigh in relief as I found that only Ginny and Luna were there, engrossed in a happy conversation.

"Hey," Ginny waved, and Luna smiled in greeting.

"It's about Viktor," Hermione said immediately, without any word of warning towards the other two girls. "He says he wants me to come and stay with him in Bulgaria during the holidays."

My eyes widened and I exchanged a nervous look with Ginny, but Hermione continued. "He said he's never felt this way about a girl before, but I just want to be friends."

"That's not good," I said.

"Honestly, even if you did like him, I don't think going to Bulgaria would be a good idea," said Ginny. "You haven't even got to know each other that much, have you?"

"No. That's the problem. He sort of - I don't know - just watches me study. I don't know how to say no."

"If he really does feel that way about you, he'll take no for an answer," Luna said in her dreamy, yet ever sensible way.

"Yeah," I added, "otherwise he's just using you."

It was unexpectedly simple to put the newfound information aside in my brain, for I had had an overload of boy drama and honestly just wanted a nice day out with my friends in Hogsmeade, something I was determined to get. Despite the fact that Michael didn't have a permission slip, we resolved to sneak him out of the castle anyway as the security was practically non-existent when we got into upper years, and the teachers didn't feel the need to check for permission. Any that knew Michael wouldn't have received such a luxury turned a blind eye, perhaps feeling too much sympathy to take away this opportunity from him.

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