Chapter 13

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~A/N~ It's Valentine's Day (2017 wut) and I spent it with my two best friends eating pizza and wandering around a dodgy area cause I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man
Edit: Cringing but I remember thinking we were going to be best friends forever but they were so toxic and a year later I regret hanging onto them for so long
Edit: A few months later I don't hate them anymore but I still regret wasting so long on them

Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

By the next day, Calum seemed to have completely got over Norbert. I'm not sure if it was hormones or just Calum's natural personality, but he was back to his bouncing, smiling self at breakfast. Luke seemed to think it was him that convinced Calum to let go of Norbert, but I highly doubted that.

"It was all me, I swear!" he cried, pretending to be frustrated.

"Right, I believe you. Explains why you did such a good job of calming him down in the common room yesterday."

"I just needed some time to put my therapist hat on," he protested, making me snort.

"Yeah, right. Now hurry up or we'll be late to Charms." Not wanting to get into trouble again, I grabbed my blond friend by the arm and pulled him in the direction of the Charms classroom.

"Ow, ok I'm coming! Wait," he halted suddenly, causing me to crash into him, "where are all the points?"

I was confused for a moment, then turned to the left to see the four huge hourglasses that showed the number of points that each house possessed. The previous day, Gryffindor had had a great chance of winning, but now it seemed to be 150 points behind.

"What happened?"

"Potter, Granger and Longbottom," a Slytherin chuckled behind me. "I heard that they were caught out of bed last night and McGonagall took away all 50 points each."

I exchanged a terrified look with Luke.

As soon as I got into Charms, I heard the whispers from our classmates about how Hermione, Harry and Neville had ruined everything. The three in question sat in the corner, their heads pointed firmly downwards at the desk in shame and humiliation.

Professor Flitwick gave us a fairly easy lesson, obviously sensing the discomfort of all the Gryffindors, and I ran straight up to Hermione the second he dismissed us.

"What happened?"

Immediately, my friend burst into tears, and I pulled her in for a hug. After hearing her story of how they forgot the Invisibility Cloak when depositing Norbert, and where caught by McGonagall, I concluded it wasn't their fault. Hermione would be fine.

But, after the day had passed, I started to wonder if she actually would be alright. The boys were dealing with Neville, leaving me to look after her alone, and help her endure the harsh glares and snide comments we received in the common room.

I decided enough was enough when we passed Malfoy, who leaned over and said, "Hey Granger, I want to thank you for betraying your entire house and making the entire school hate you. If you hadn't, Slytherin wouldn't be sure to win the House Cup for the eighth year in a row!"

That was it. Gently pushing Hermione away, I stalked up to Malfoy and slammed him into a wall.

"Hold your tongue, Malfoy! Last time I checked, you lost 50 points for your house too, so you're no better than Hermione! At least Hermione has some brains and good qualities, all you have is a rich family!"

The puny rat was stunned into silence, so I took the opportunity to carry on.

"Aww, are you going to tell your father? I'm so scared." Then I sauntered off with Hermione, bursting into giggles as soon as we passed the corner. Rapturous applause sounded from behind me, and I spun to see the boys clapping soundly and grinning from ear to ear.

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