Chapter 54

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~A/N~ I'm thinking about starting writing again? It wouldn't be a fanfic, I have two ideas - one's a pretty generic fantasy story, the other would be a sort of YA story about a girl with anorexia which would be pretty much autobiographical but idk. I've also been writing a fair bit for my blog (link in bio lmao) but that's mainly about the books I'm reading.
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

After the match, we were a chattering gaggle of excited children but that didn't matter because so was everyone else. It had been a surprisingly thrilling game that ended in a well-received victory for Ireland, and so we made our way back to the Hemmings tent with adrenaline still rushing through our veins.

"Good, wasn't it?" Luke nudged me as we slipped off to the side to make more cocoa for everyone. "You liked it?"

I just smiled in mock exasperation and he giggled like a four year old. "I knew it! I knew you'd like it!"

"All right, calm down," I chuckled as the blond did a victory lap around the tiny kitchen. "You made me like something."

"Yeah, and you hate Quidditch!"

"I didn't hate it," I corrected. "I merely wasn't interested."

"And now you are?"

"Hmmm... more so than I was this morning."

"Then I win," he chuckled, slinging an arm around my shoulder so that I nuzzled into his chest. Suddenly a crash erupted from the other room, followed by a shout from Liz Hemmings.

"Right, everyone! I think that's a sign to go to bed!"

We hurried into the living room to find Ginny with her head on the table, eyes wide open as though she had been awoken very suddenly, Mrs Hemmings who looked slightly irritated, and the three other boys silently laughing from behind.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea," snorted Michael, helping Ginny out of her seat as she glared at them and traipsed out of the tent.

"I'll go too," I yawned, surprised when Luke pecked me on the cheek and not oblivious to the startled stares from the other boys.

"Night," he smiled, and I returned the farewell before following my best friend to our own tent, still confused about the more than friendly gesture from someone who was clearly just a friend. However, it seemed that as Lavender and Parvati were not present I wouldn't have anyone to take it completely out of hand and analyse every small gesture Luke showed towards me, so pushed it to the back of my brain.

"You're looking a lot more awake than you were two minutes ago," I frowned at Ginny, who I found hopping around the tent when I entered.

"Yes, it seemed the two seconds of sleep I got was enough of a power nap," she laughed, and Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"What's going on?"

"From what I heard, Ginny fell asleep and crashed into the table because she was so tired, but it appears she has been revitalised," I said.

"Ah." We were interrupted by a figure entering the tent, causing me initial alarm before I realised it was Luke.

"What are you doing here?" Ginny asked abruptly, before wincing at how rude it sounded out loud. The blond didn't appear to notice it, however, as he was busy scanning the tent for something.

"Calum left his wand," he said, rummaging around for the magical object. "Being the valiantly amazing friend I am, I volunteered to come and look for it."

I grimaced as I took in the state of affairs - the contents of our trunks were all strewn across the floor - but he didn't comment on it, and instead made a triumphant noise as he found Calum's wand and flopped next to me on my sleeping bag instead of leaving, as we expected.

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