Chapter 98

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~A/N~ Opinions on 13rw? I've just started watching series 2 but I've heard bad things about it
Edit: I never got past the second episode
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Hogsmeade rolled around, and I wasn't going to go but Hermione and Ginny convinced me it would be fun, and I needed to take my mind off things. As it turned out, this wouldn't be a happy shopping trip with my two best friends, more of a tag-along with people that didn't really want me there.

Ginny had procured herself a date with Dean, so would be with him through the entire day. Despite my slight misery, I knew she deserved it; while looking after me for so long, she hadn't had much time to spend with her new boyfriend.

"Looks like I'll be stuck with the Golden Trio," I groaned to her as we made our way down to breakfast.

She snorted. "At least you've got Hermione. Harry's a good guy once you get past his incredible denseness. As for Ron, I don't know what Lavender sees in him."

"What do you mean?"

"Lavender likes him, haven't you noticed? She's always talking about him in the dormitory, and she was cheering him on like crazy during Quidditch trials."

"Wow, it looks like Ron might finally have a chance with someone," I remarked dryly.

"I know. Shocking, isn't it?" we broke out into giggles, before I sobered up as I remembered Naadiya. It was selfish of me to be happy when she wasn't around, it was selfish to be distracted by joy and not think about her. She wanted to be remembered, I had to stop forgetting.

"What's wrong?" Ginny asked. "You've suddenly gone all quiet."

"Nothing," I tried to reassure her with a grin, but could muster nothing.

Smile, smile, smile. Butterbeers with the boys, exploring the Shrieking Shack in third year, dress-shopping before the Yule Ball...

"I can't go to Hogsmeade." I wanted to say the place was too full of bad memories, but stopped myself as I knew Ginny would protest. "I'm getting a migraine."

"We should go to Madame Pomfrey," Ginny said worriedly, and I shook my head.

"I just need to lie down. Can you tell Hermione?"

She nodded and hurried off, and as I began to make my way back to Gryffindor Tower I caught sight of Luke, but not alone. Pinned to the wall below him was Pansy, and their lips were interlocked with her hands in his hair as he moaned softly.

My vision went white and I slammed into the wall at the sight of them, tasting blood on my lips where I had bitten down too hard. I didn't know where I was going, just let my feet carry me away, into the flooded bathroom with a ghost who would listen to my problems.

"Hi Leila, how's the Siren thing?" Myrtle called, but faltered at my tearful expression. "Are you ok?"

"Luke," I spluttered. "It's just- I saw-"

"Woah, take your time." For the first time, she didn't push me or make a snarky remark, and I saw true kindness in the girl, someone who cared about me.

"I mean- I knew that Luke and Pansy were together, and I knew they had kissed, but I just-"

"Seeing it made it more real?"

I nodded mutely and she sighed, before swooping backwards with wide eyes, pointing a shaking finger at something behind me.

"What?" I tried to turn around, but then everything went black.

Everything was so dark, and I was in so much pain. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my toes dipped in flames that soared all the way up my legs and sent the acid in my stomach bubbling, sizzling my eyes and burning my tongue, sending a searing heat through my skin.

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