Chapter 99

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~A/N~ I haven't changed my clothes or showered for 3 days ayyyyy... Back to school tomorrow and we get our results and I'm NERVOUS
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Careful, careful," Luke fussed as I stood up from the bed, wobbling on my unsteady feet.

"I'm fine," I giggled. "I just haven't walked in a while. Almost two months, actually."

"Still, I'm worried about you." He sent butterflies erupting in my stomach and I took his hand gratefully, stumbling like a baby deer.

"Now, love, I would recommend rest and avoiding stress, as any side effects are unknown," said the Healer. "Take it easy for a while, and make sure you stay alert in case whoever cast the curse is still after you. But I wouldn't worry too much - it seems you're in capable hands."

She smiled up at Luke, wrinkles creasing fondly.

"Thanks for everything, Mary," I bade her farewell as we stepped into the fireplace, ready to Floo back to Hogwarts.

"Best wishes, love."

I closed my eyes and clung onto Luke as we spun through the air, landing in McGonagall's office where our Head of House was waiting for us, lips thin but eyes softer than usual.

"I trust you'll take good care of her?" she raised her eyebrows at Luke and he nodded mutely. "Good. Well, you may go back to Gryffindor Tower and enjoy your weekend. I expect Professor Dumbledore will want to speak with you at some point."

"Thank you, Professor," I said politely, and we traipsed out of her office before I broke into a sprint.

"Race you!"

"Woah, wait!" Luke chased after me, both of us giggling as he quickly caught up (having legs much longer than mine) and pinned me against the wall, resulting in a resounding crash.

"Sorry, sorry! Are you ok?" he fretted and I nodded, unable to wipe the huge grin off my lips.

Our faces were so close together our noses almost touched and I could see my reflection in his eyes, but only for a second as he pressed his lips against mine and both our eyes fluttered closed. His hands roamed my body and I melted under his touch, groaning softly until I realised where we were.

"We're in the middle of the corridor!" I pulled away quickly. "Anyone could walk past!"

"It's late, no one's around," he mumbled, kissing me softly. "I'm just enjoying being able to do this. I love you."

"I love you too." And we were making out against the wall again.

It took all my resolve, but I finally managed to break off the kiss and entwined our fingers instead, pulling him down the corridor. "I want to see the others! They haven't visited me since I woke up."

"I didn't tell them," Luke smirked. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, let's go and surprise them!" There was no time to be annoyed at him, I was too busy savouring the feeling of having him back for good, the way I had always wanted him, and my heart was doing cartwheels in my chest as we approached the Fat Lady.

"Long time no see," the Fat Lady frowned down at me. "You've lost weight."


"Dilligrout," said Luke impatiently, jumping about on his toes. The portrait swung open with a huff, and I was face to face with four people I'd missed dearly.

"Merlin's saggy left- Leila!" Calum jumped on top of me, hugging the living daylights out of me as tears pricked at the corner of my eyes. This time, though, they weren't accompanied by a stab of pain in my heart. "I've missed you so much!"

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