Chapter 84

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~A/N~ I was so excited whilst building up to the kiss in the last chapter and then when I got back from school to write the actual kiss I had writer's block lucky me
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Luke," I said softly in his ear, tearing my eyes away from the glowing embers of the fire. "You know when you kissed me?"

His hand stilled in my hair, and eventually retracted altogether as his muscles tensed up underneath my delicate frame. "Let's not bring it up."

"What? Why not?" A familiar tingling sensation built up behind my eyes, and my nose tightened, but I pushed it down and forced a steely tone into my voice.

"Because it didn't mean anything," he said conversationally, as though he wasn't tearing me apart with his words. "We're best friends and we always will be, don't let it make things weird between us. I needed to break the charm, and I didn't want the awkward beforehand talk so I just went for it."

My heart became as heavy as a stone, and I struggled to keep a straight face. It was obvious what Luke wanted, and I had to comply.

"You know that could count as assault?" I joked, and he sat up straighter cupping my cheek with his hand.

"Merlin, I didn't think about that! Are you ok?" he leaned in close, genuine concern floating from his breath. My eyes darted to and fro, I was dazzled from the tiny gap between us growing smaller and smaller.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smiled. "I was joking anyway."

"Still, I should remember. I can't just go around kissing you without consent," he said, then turned red. "I mean..."

"Yes, because you're always kissing me without consent," I giggled, shaking my head. "Anyway, are you staying for the holidays?"

"No," Luke sighed. "Stuck with my parents and brothers on a 'family camping trip'. I don't know if I can handle Jack for that long."

Ever since the events of the previous year, tension had heightened between Jack and his family as he fell further into his muggle-hating ways and began to loathe the blood traitor line he had been born into. Luke couldn't deal with the fact that his own brother had tried to tear apart the friendship he and I shared, so did his best to avoid him.

It worked quite well - the different houses, conflicting schedules and sheer size of the school meant I rarely saw Jack, and he was easy to ignore in passing. However, if Luke was going to be forced into a tent with his family all holidays, I had a feeling it wouldn't end well.

"What about you? You were told you had to stay, right?" Luke asked. The tears that had almost spilled before threatened to rise again at the thought of being unwanted by my own family.

"Yeah," I choked, "but Ginny has invited me to spend the holiday with her."

Little did Luke know I didn't mean at the Burrow; Ginny was taking me to the ever-secretive, well-hidden Grimmauld Place.

"Sounds like you'll be having fun," he groaned, "sucks to be me."

The following week was somewhat eventful and panic-ridden; Ginny's father almost died and was rushed to hospital, with the rest of the Weasleys (and Harry) sent home early. Of course, Hermione and I had received notice that they had gone to Grimmauld Place, but to everyone else they were at the Burrow.

That of course raised the question of whether or not I would still be staying, but as Arthur's condition significantly improved in the days before the holidays, it was decided our plans should not be interrupted.

And so, I departed with Luke, Calum and Hermione for my first Christmas away from Hogwarts in a long time, waving tearful goodbyes to Michael and a disinterested Ashton.

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