Chapter 87

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Needless to say, I had many happy memories I could focus on to produce a Patronus in the next DA meeting, and I giggled with Ashton at our many failed attempts to send white fog from the tips of our wands.

It was like nothing had happened. We were the same friends we had been at the start of fourth year, with stronger bonds than anyone out there, and it turned out he had been hiding more from me than I even thought.

"You're worried about your family," he said as Ginny once again disarmed Michael from behind even though that wasn't the task they had been set. "I know you are, because I am too."

"What do you mean?"

"Sofiyah still writes to me, occasionally. She used to a lot, and then things started getting bad and it sort of trailed off a bit. Her letters now are short, and she keeps telling me how fine everything is. I don't believe her."

"I don't either," I sighed. "It's worse than that as well - Naadiya and my parents don't write anymore, and Zara's being weirdly nice. Something's going on, I don't know what it is. I don't know what I've done."

"Think, what could you have done that's made them hate you? Apart from liking Luke, there's nothing even slightly incriminating."

"How do you-"

"It's obvious, Leila," he giggled. "You're basically together already. You've been sleeping in his bed, for Merlin's sake."

"I slept in his bed once!" I protested. "And that's only because I had just had an actual mental breakdown!"

"Don't kid yourself," he smiled. "But yes, don't worry about him and don't worry about your family. It'll all work out, I'm sure."

"Right," I rolled my eyes, and refocused on the task at hand. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

To my utter delight, a corporeal form burst from my elegant wand and a red squirrel bounded around the room leaving a trail of glittering silver mist behind it.

"Woah!" Calum squealed as it scurried around his legs. "It's so cute!"

I watched the squirrel dance around the room, ears pricking up in joy every time it encountered an astounded student, and felt a swell of pride. Perhaps my efforts weren't fruitless after all.

The rest of the session passed with equal excitement as I watched my friends form their Patronuses. A silver raven soared above Ashton's head and a hedgehog nibbled at Calum's feet, both boys grinning and hopping around in happiness, and surprisingly quickly they were joined by Luke and a majestic husky that played with my squirrel as though they were old friends.

A horse galloped around Ginny as Michael continued to spit waves of mist from his wand, but it didn't matter as we convinced him he would get it the next time.

However, as the evening began to merge with night our laughter was interrupted by a tiny creature hurtling towards Harry, adorned with brightly coloured garments far too big for his fragile frame.

"Dobby?" I frowned, trying to listen in to whatever the elf was frantically telling Harry. But I didn't have to strain as one word sent the entire room plunging into silence.

"Umbridge?" Harry stammered. "What about her? Dobby - she hasn't found out about this - about us - about the DA?"

The answer was obvious from the elf's panic-stricken face, and my insides shrivelled in fear. Harry's next question was much quieter.

"Is she coming?"

Dobby let out a howl and began beating the floor with his fists. "Yes, Harry Potter, yes!"

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