Chapter 37

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~A/N~ Hey everyone I'm doing my A Levels right now and it's a good thing this book is already fully written because I definitely wouldn't have time to write it
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

-but of course, the muggle in question wouldn't believe a wizard in the slightest... My breathing grew heavier and eyelids began to flutter shut as my head lolled forward, and I had to inwardly shake myself awake and refocus my eyes on the page.

Who knew doing so much work would make me hate reading? Not to mention the fact that this was extra reading for my extra muggle studies classes, which I was beginning to hate more than ever due to the amount of work being piled on top of me, suffocating me.

"I HATE SLYTHERIN!" Luke yelled suddenly, bursting into the almost empty common room, earning several looks and an "I feel you, mate."

"Why, what happened?" I asked, amused and relieved at an excuse to let the heavy book slide off my lap onto the floor.

"They cancelled the bloody quidditch match," he grumbled, sinking into the velvety sofa seat next to me and putting his head in his hands. "Now we have to play Hufflepuff, and Wood hasn't been training us to play them, we've been training to defeat Slytherin!"

"Isn't it just going to be the same?" I asked cautiously. Talking to Luke when he was angry about something, especially quidditch, was like trying to skate on the thinnest of ice. One wrong move and he would snap.

"The same?!" His lid flew off, I had done it. "Hufflepuff play completely differently to Slytherin! I had been learning to beat their dirty play and tackles, Hufflepuffs play much more fairly! How are we supposed to beat them now?"

After deciding it wasn't worth wrongly answering that question again, I rested my head on his shoulder and leaned into his side, trying to provide the emotional comfort he so clearly needed at this... difficult time for him. But hey, who was I to judge?

"Come on, let's go and see Hagrid," I decided, knowing it would cheer him up. "I need a break, anyway."

"Leila? A break from studying? Who are you and what have you done with my friend?" Luke asked mockingly and I shoved him, unable to stop the words from crashing through the barrier around my heart. Was I too uptight?

The thought that upset me more was how his words hurt, unlike they used to. Did that mean we were growing further apart? I wasn't sure if I could handle that.

"Come on!" Luke dragged me through the portrait hole and down the corridor. Giggling, we raced through the soft grass on the grounds and down the jagged path to Hagrid's hut, bashing on the door in a most jolly manner.

"Oh, it's Luke and Leila!" Hagrid bellowed, stating the obvious as soon as he had opened the door. "How nice of yeh to come see me!"

"The pleasure's all ours," I smiled up at the half-giant, as he beckoned us into his hut. The familiar spitting of the fire and my feet creaking on the rickety floorboards warmed my insides and I promptly forgot about any grievances I had with Luke.

"So, how've yeh been?" Hagrid asked, and we launched into light-hearted conversation, discussing how everyone was, until the subject turned to lessons.

"Calum's only really interested in Care Of Magical Creatures now," I laughed as I recalled my friend's enthusiasm for that particular subject only. "He doesn't really care about anything else, but he loves learning from you."

"He's got a right knack for it, he has," Hagrid agreed, looking fondly at the two of us. "I'd go as far as to say he's one of my best students. You're all up there too, of course," he added hastily after seeing Luke and I exchange amused glances.

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