Chapter 19

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~A/N~ Good news! I've applied to a college! Bad news! My English teacher refused to mark our essays because they're all 'too similar' and she can't be assed!
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Ginevra, come here this instance!" I called over to the girl on the other side of the common room. My best friend grimaced at her full name and ambled over to where Calum and I were standing.

"What's up?" she asked, ignoring the dirty looks Parvati and Lavender were sending her way.

"Well, in a typical English fashion it's only mid-October and it's already freezing, and the school can't be bothered investing in heating, so we're going to get some tea from the kitchens," replied Calum. "We were wondering if you wanted to come with?"

A month and a half had passed since the start of term, and the day I first met Ginny, and already I felt a strong connection to her that had even surpassed Hermione's, as she was barely ever with me. Ginny, on the other hand, was part of my friendship group so I spent time with her as though we were joined at the hip (apart from lessons, as I was a year to her senior).

As October had brought with it a layer of frost upon the school and Peeves had taken it upon himself to make Gryffindor Tower as cold as possible, we were running out of ways to keep warm. Fortunately, thanks to Fred and George's guidance the previous year, I had an advantage the other Gryffindors didn't - access to the kitchens at any time for hot food and drink.

"Where exactly are they?" asked Ginny. It would be her first trip to the kitchens, and we had often regaled her with stories of the time Snape caught us sneaking food out, or amusing conversations with house elves. "And where are Michael, Ashton and Luke?"

"As for the whereabouts of the kitchens, you'll see," I said. "And Luke's at Quidditch practice, Michael's in the library doing his Charms homework and Ashton doesn't want to come because he's afraid we'll be caught."

"I'm not surprised," chuckled Ginny. "That story of Snape catching you is enough to scare anyone away."

We continued to the kitchen in comfortable silence, arms linked, just enjoying each other's presence and the serenity of the silent castle (as it seemed everyone else had huddled in their common rooms to stay warm). Turning the familiar corridor near the Hufflepuff Den, I watched as Calum stood on his tiptoes to tickle the painting of the pear and the hidden door swung open.

"Woah," breathed Ginny as the familiar hustle and bustle of the kitchens' busy atmosphere washed over us and we were submerged in a sea of house elves, all instantly running to our service.

"What can I get you, Madames and Sir?" asked one house elf, its eyes wide.

"Three mugs of tea please," I requested politely, smiling as the house elf bowed low and rushed off to prepare the tea. After a short wait, I was given a steaming mug of tea with a strong smell of lavender and honey wafting into my nostrils.

Thanking the house elves, we exited the kitchen, sipping our tea slowly, only to run into a most unpleasant sight.

"What do you three have there?" a nasally voice came from the mouth of a familiar red head, and Ginny sighed in annoyance.

"It's none of your business, Percy," Ginny snapped, causing Calum to give her a look of warning. As a Prefect, Percy could do damage.

"Don't take that tone with me, Ginny," Percy retorted. "I can tell you've been in the kitchens, how else would you have cups of tea?"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Ginny snapped.

"I am a Prefect," said Percy. "I'm banning you from going in the kitchens, students are not allowed. If I catch you again, this will be reported to Professor McGonagall. Also Ginny, you're looking a bit peaky, let me take you to Madame Pomfrey. I've heard she's giving out Pepperup potions."

With that, he took Ginny's arm and sauntered off, the red headed girl looking back at us pleadingly while we looked on, unable to do anything.

"No, no, no," stressed Ashton, pacing furiously up and down the common room. "If he banned you, you can't go back. What if he catches you? He'll report you to McGonagall!"

"We just won't get caught," Calum reasoned, shrugging nonchalantly. "It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?!" exclaimed Ashton. "You could be expelled!"

"Ok, that's a bit much," Michael intervened. "I don't think they'll be expelled for going to the kitchens."

Ashton opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by a sweaty, dirty Luke entering the common room and groaning loudly as he plopped down next to me.

"Get away from me, you stink," I shoved him away, giggling as he shuffled over to me again and enveloped me in a hug.

Suddenly a loud whistling noise filled the common room, like a kettle boiling, and our heads all snapped towards the portrait hole to see Ginny emerge with steam pouring out of her ears. Her face was redder than a tomato as she registered the sniggers of various people around the room and quickly rushed over to where we were sitting.

"You look like a tomato was set on fire," observed Calum.

"Don't say that," Michael defended her. "I think Ginny looks lovely."

If possible, Ginny turned even redder on hearing his statement.

"Thank God the pepperup potion's effects have stopped," sighed Ginny as we got ready for bed.

"You have to admit, you really did look funny," laughed Hermione, waving off Ginny's harsh glare.

"I couldn't notice any difference," snarled Parvati sharply as she swung round the bedpost. As usual, the three of us ignored her and carried on giggling.

(~A/N~ I was just thinking 'oh there's so much giggling should I get rid of it?' and then I realised that they're schoolgirls in year 8 (7th grade?) so it's probably pretty accurate.)

After getting into bed and turning the lights off, I could only hear a faint whistling of Ginny's ears.

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