Chapter 68

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~A/N~ so if anyone's read the diviners series and cares about my opinion on it there's a really in depth rant review up on my blog (link in profile)
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"So," said Michael, slamming his hands down on the table, "you have a dilemma."

"Well spotted," I groaned, tears still threatening to spill. It felt like I was spinning 16 plates, and all of them were about to fall.

"Because now if you don't go with someone Luke will be right, but you don't want to go with anyone that's not Luke."


We both sighed, and he perked up. "Wait, why don't we go together? I'll pretend I have a crush on you or something, so it doesn't look like I've done it out of sympathy, and Luke will be so jealous when he sees us."

"But he won't though," I said. "He doesn't want to go with me."

"He will," Michael smiled knowingly, "and then when he comes to his senses I can just pull a Calum and say I didn't really know what I was feeling, and that I don't actually like you."

I groaned once again at his reference to mine and Calum's 'date' from the previous year, which was something I didn't like to think about or talk about in fear of cringing so hard my neck snapped.

"So that's the plan? That's the plan," Michael confirmed without me even answering. "It's time to Romeo and Juliette it up tonight."

"They die at the end!" I shouted after him weakly as he stumbled out of the library, and went back to my reading. Barely ten minutes had passed when another boy sat in front of me, but unlike the last this one sent an explosion of fireworks in my stomach, though I pushed down the sick feeling and replaced it with irritation.

"Hi, Luke," the words were forced and unnatural, and he could tell.

"Hi," he said, and took a deep breath. "You don't have anyone to go to the Ball with, do you?"

Turning red, I stared at the table and remembered that I had to pretend Michael hadn't asked me yet. "No."

"Me neither," Luke sighed, "so I thought we could go together, as each other's last resorts."

I inhaled sharply, but kept my cool. "Weren't you going to ask Noemie?"

"I left it too late," he smiled sheepishly. "Someone's asked her already."

"Do you think I need a last resort?" my tone grew dangerous, but he didn't seem to catch on.

"I mean, obviously, because you don't have a partner."

"Listen here Luke Hemmings!" I spat, causing him to raise his head in alarm. "I don't need a last resort, ok?! I've been asked by loads of people, and I've turned them all down! I definitely don't want to be a last resort, so you can take your proposal to some other girl and stay away from me!"

My vision turned blood red and I stalked away from him, leaving the boy in stunned silence. My wand fell out of my pocket as I stormed through the corridors, and as I bent to pick it up Ollivander's words flashed through my head.

"Beautiful but fragile... precious but breaks easily... your emotions will be your downfall..."

"Hey, Mudblood!" Pansy Parkinson's familiar screech shook me out of my daze and I groaned, more annoyed than afraid of her at this point. "I heard you can't find yourself a date for the Ball! No one wants to go with your troll face!"

This time, though, I had a way to bite back. "Is that right? Well, it seems like we're in the same boat as I happen to know no one has asked you either. Is your troll face putting people off?"

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