Chapter 33

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~A/N~ whoops I forgot wattpad existed for like a month but I'm back
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

Trying to drag myself out of bed the next morning was a chore, and it seemed I had forgotten how to wake up early during the holidays. Ginny was struggling with the same problem, so Hermione had to essentially drag the two of us out of bed.

When we got to the common room, only Luke and Ashton were awake which made me feel better, because at least I wasn't the only one that had destroyed my sleeping pattern. Eventually Calum and Michael joined us, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, and we headed down to breakfast.

"I'd forgotten how good Hogwarts breakfast was," moaned Calum, egg yolk dribbling down his chin. No one notified him of this fact, and it slowly dried where it was leaving a yellow, crummy substance stuck to his face.

"I'd forgotten how hard waking up was," said Michael sleepily, his eyes half-closed.

"I'd forgotten that we have our first lessons in our new subjects today," said Luke. "Leila and I have Divination first, what about you?"

"Muggle studies," said Calum. "Which I'm meant to have with Ashton and Leila, but you both have other subjects so I'm not really sure how that works."

"Yeah, Ashton's coming to Ancient Runes with me aren't you?" asked Michael, confused.

"I have two lessons of Muggle Studies at the weekend to make up for it," I explained. Professor McGonagall had agreed that that would be the lesson I could catch up on, as the teacher was quite flexible with her hours.

"Yeah, Leila, Hermione and I have to do them," Ashton lied with a nervous chuckle. I frowned at him. Was he not even going to tell the boys about the Time Turner?

"Well, good luck with all of that," Ginny piped up from where she had been falling asleep on Michael's shoulder. "I'm stuck with Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Oooh, tell us how that goes," said Luke. "I want to know what Lupin's like."

"He doesn't look very good," Michael decided, "but I guess we can't judge him."

"Anyone's better than Lockhart," said Calum, and I agreed heartily. Lockhart was by far the worst part of last year, even with the petrifying and Chamber of Secrets on our plates.

"We'd better get going then," I said to Luke, who had almost finished his huge plate of scrambled egg. "Don't want to be late for Divination, and it'll take ages to walk there because we've never been in the North Tower before, and from what I've heard there are loads of stairs."

He nodded and we quickly said goodbye to the others before rushing off to where we thought the North Tower was, but two years in Hogwarts obviously hadn't taught us everything about the school.

"You know, I think we're going south," I panted to Luke as we raced up two flights of stairs. "There's the lake, we're definitely south."

"So where's North?"

"I don't know, smartass."

"Do you need help, friends?" a voice chirped from behind me and I spun around, only to find I was unable to see anyone. "Over here, in the painting!"

Taking a long look at the painting, I found I was able to see a tiny teacup with a little painted face on it, like it was straight out of Beauty and the Beast - presumably that was the object that was talking. It came as no surprise to me, as all the people and some objects in the paintings could talk and move from place to place; something I had to get used to when I first came to the school.

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