Chapter 52

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~A/N~ I don't think y'all understand how much one nice comment can make my day :) love you if you're reading
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

As it turned out, we had no time to inspect the camp for as soon as the rest of the Hemmings found us we were whisked into assisting them, setting up the tent and whatnot, until the late hours of the night. However, we didn't have to wait long for the next day to arrive as Hermione woke us up incredibly early to say hello.

"Girls! It's been so long!" she hugged me, and I grinned tiredly.

"It's so early... How come we didn't see you yesterday?" I croaked. Ginny simply moaned for us to shut up and rolled back over with her pillow over her head.

"I got back to the tent really late, you were already asleep when I came in," she said, ignoring our red-headed friend's complaints. "You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

Truth be told, I had been quite tired the previous day from all the travelling, and although I was delighted to see my friend I would have been very groggy and in no fit state for a catch up.

But now it seemed we had all the time in the world, so chatted non-stop for hours, much to Ginny's absolute horror. Eventually her sleepiness evaporated, though, and she joined in with us.

One thing I found I was questioned about a lot were my feelings for Calum: Did I like him again? Did he like me again? Did anything happen in the holidays?

"For Merlin's sake! You two are behaving exactly like Lavender and Parvati!" I snapped after a while, and the two girls bubbled out their apologies as Luke and Michael crawled in, surprising Ginny so much she shrieked.

"You gits! What if we had been naked?!" she shouted.

"I'm sure if you were naked you wouldn't be talking so loudly about Leila's love life," said Michael dryly, a smirk on his face as he watched us all go red.

"Don't worry, Calum didn't hear," Luke told me, putting an arm around me and also smirking as I glared at the two of them.

"Anyway," said a clearly disgruntled Hermione (who didn't want to be seen as one of the stereotypical girls that only discussed boys - we were sworn against that most of the time), "what exactly are you doing here?"

"Do you want to come and fill up the kettle with us?" Michael offered. "We're trying to make tea, but the tap's on the other side of the camp. Ashton, Calum, Fred and George are trying to start a fire."

"Key word: trying," Luke snorted under his breath.

"Why aren't we just using magic?" I asked, not against the idea of doing jobs manually, but curious as to why it would be necessary in an area filled with wizards.

"All the anti-muggle security, I'm guessing," Ginny sighed. "Why they couldn't just use muggle repelling charms I don't know."

"This is the government," Michael reminded us, "they can't do anything the easy way."

"Maybe I should help the boys with the fire," said Hermione hesitantly, listening to the yelps and swears of male voices outside the tent. "They sound like they could use it."

And so we set off in our different directions - Luke, Michael, Ginny and I going towards the tap at the far end of the camp, meaning we would have to walk through the Bulgarian minefield.

I hadn't seen it, but the rumours were enough.

It was as though I had stepped into a different planet on entering the sea of red, green and white tents - somehow it seemed like Christmas had thrown up onto the area, despite that not being the symbolism of the colours. What was perhaps the most shocking thing was a surly looking face plastered onto each and every tent.

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