Chapter 66

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~A/N~ one thing I love about this book is how I wrote it over a really long period of time, and as I read through it I can see my writing style and plotting maturing and it's really rewarding - it almost feels like I grew up alongside these characters
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

"Where. Have. You. Been?!" I was rudely awoken by a screech from none other than Ginny Weasley, sounding suspiciously like her mother but why would Mrs Weasley be in a broom cupboard?

I sat up with a jolt, my neck cracking painfully from sleeping on the hard floor, and I smiled sheepishly at Ginny, whose face was almost as red as her hair.

"May I ask why you and Michael are sleeping in a broom cupboard together?" she snapped. "And why you didn't notify me about these plans so I knew not to spend all morning desperately searching for you?"

"Don't worry, Ginny," Michael tried to placate her. "I was just here last night because I needed a bit of space and Leila came to look for me and we were chatting and just fell asleep."

"Well, me and the boys have been looking for you ever since we woke up, so thanks to you we've all missed breakfast," Ginny said angrily.

"Sorry," Michael and I chorused meekly, and she seemed satisfied as we all hurried back to the common room, asking various portraits to send Luke, Ashton and Calum back if they saw them.

Swiftly grabbing our bags, we rushed out of the empty Gryffindor Tower to our lessons, briefly pausing to say goodbye to Ginny before hurrying along.

"So, do you like Michael? Is that why you were sleeping together?" Calum asked me privately as we sprinted through the grounds to Care of Magical Creatures. Fortunately Hagrid wouldn't be annoyed by our tardiness - I felt awful for Ginny who had McGonagall and would have to spin up a good excuse.

"No!" I replied, disgusted by the idea of fancying Michael who was like a brother to me. "That would be so weird. If you must know, he was having a bit of a mental breakdown and apparently he has these a lot, just no one's noticed so we all need to keep an eye out for him now."

"Oh," Calum frowned, but said nothing more on the subject until we reached Hagrid's hut, where the lesson was already in progress.

"Oi, where've yeh been?!" Hagrid asked, lumbering over to us with a faintly annoyed but also amused expression on his face.

"We had to look for Leila and Michael," explained Ashton, "it's a long story."

"Righ', well we're looking after the Skrewts," said Hagrid. "There's only 10 left now, it turns out they like ter eat each other so most of 'em are gone. They've also escaped, so we're tryin' ter get 'em back in their cages."

I grinned at Calum, who was trying to supress his laughter, and as soon as Hagrid left we instantly paired up and stared down the Skrewt closest to us.

"How about we let it die?" I suggested and Calum rolled his eyes.

"Come on, we've got to get it back in the cage."

Half an hour, we were still having no luck when an even worse omen showed up to ruin everything. The platinum blonde woman bouncing towards us sent a bullet shooting through my throat, for I had seen the recent scathing articles in the Daily Prophet and if she was here to see Hagrid it could only mean bad news.

It was clear right from the start that Hagrid had no idea who she was, for when she asked for an interview he accepted after only brief hesitation due to Michael frantically shaking his head, and they made plans to meet in the Three Broomsticks for a good long chat, during which Rita would twist all his words and portray him in the dimmest light possible.

What was worse, however, was that Ashton was the only possible saviour of the situation and he didn't say a word. I tried hard not to be angry, but I was still irked that he didn't save Hagrid when he had the power to, and now our giant friend was condemned to a terrible fate.

"Ashton, why didn't you stop her?!" Ron shouted after the lesson. "You could've done it, she's your aunt!"

"She wouldn't listen to me," Ashton said glumly. "She wouldn't listen to anyone, there'd be no use."

"You could've at least tried!" Ron spat before stalking away back to Harry and Hermione, and though no one made an attempt to comfort Ashton I couldn't help feeling slightly sorry for the hatred he was earning because of his aunt.

"Leila! Luke!" Hermione called, speeding over to us with light in her eyes and her bushy hair even frizzier than usual. "You've got to see what I've found, you'll never believe it!"

"What?" I asked, exchanging a nervous look with Luke.

"It's the kitchens!" she hissed, leaning closely as though it was a secret. Luke opened his mouth like he was about to tell her we already knew, but I discreetly shook my head at him as I could predict what she was about to say. "You have no idea how many house elves work there, it's ridiculous! Apparently Fred and George have been going there all this time, demanding food off them and they just give it with no other thought! It's despicable of those two, don't you think? Making them work so hard?"

I put on a fake laugh, for I had never told Hermione that we took part in sneaking to the kitchen given that she would probably be incredibly ashamed of me, and lecture me about breaking rules.

"Woah, really?" Luke chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, come on I'll show you!"

And before we could protest we were being dragged off in the familiar direction of the kitchens, all the while having to pretend that we had no idea where we were going.

"Watch this!" Hermione leaned up to tickle the painting of the pear and the door swung open to reveal all the house elves.

"That's amazing!" I pretended to be surprised, and the house elves shot me an odd look which Hermione fortunately didn't catch.

"Miss Hermione Granger!" a squeaky voice sounded and I looked down to see a most peculiar house elf dress in a tea cosy and a bizarre arrangement of socks pulling at Hermione's ankle. "An honour to see you again, so soon!"

"Leila, Luke, this is Dobby," Hermione introduced us. "He started working here about a week ago, and he's the first house elf getting paid for his services!"

"Wow," I said slowly, "so you're a free elf?"

"Yes, Dobby is free!" the elf agreed. "I likes work, but I also likes clothes and money! But only a bit of money, because I likes work more."

"That's nice," said Luke, unsure of what to do.

"It's our mission to give every elf the opportunity Dobby has," said Hermione, "and we can start right here in the kitchens! I just need a plan of action."

The elves recoiled in disgust, but I had already tried to reason with Hermione and she was completely set on her ways, so I knew there was no point in me trying to change her mind.

"Well, Dobby," I said, an idea popping into my head, "if you like clothes so much, you can have this!"

Pulling out a hideous knitted bow from my pocket, I handed it to the excited elf. "My sister made it for me, but I think you deserve it more."

It was true that Sofiyah had made it for me, but it had been so disgusting I vowed never to let it even near my hair. Even so, I didn't have the heart to throw it away and I was glad of a way to finally get rid of it with a good outcome for all parties.

"I likes you very much, Miss Leila," Dobby squealed affectionately. "I hopes you has a very nice life!"

"Thanks Dobby," I chuckled. "I'm sure I will."

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