Chapter 60

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~A/N~ I started writing a fanfic called 'To The Stars' a while ago, and then I took it down when I stopped writing, but I'm thinking of putting it back up and maybe continuing? Anyway check that out if you want.
Also, a raw-ass quote from my piano teacher 2 years ago: "They'll blame you for everything that goes wrong, even if it's not your fault, because they're just looking for someone to blame. But if things go right, they'll take credit. You'll lose either way, so you might as well stop trying so hard to fix it and making yourself feel worse."
Enjoy the chapter!
Leila xx

September crawled by at a leisurely pace, filled with anticipation for the Triwizard Tournament and excitement about Mad Eye Moody, yet nothing much happened so the time was, for the first time in my years at Hogwarts, normal.

Luke and I had been just as friendly all month, and I had been kept awake many nights by Lavender and Parvati trying to analyse every word he said. The more I thought about it, the more tiresome it got - unease was hanging in the air, and I knew something was going to go wrong, and it was going to be soon.

Hermione and Calum had grown even more enthusiastic about SPEW, but to the great disappointment of Ginny, Michael and I they had not recruited any new members to the movement to replace us. It seemed, for now, we were stuck.

And that was what brought us to the situation that begins this chapter. It was a frosty morning in early October, signs of Winter showing though Autumn had barely arrived, and Michael, Ashton and I were cooped up in the common room trying to listen to the sound of hail pattering on the windows of the tower staircases.

The wind was howling, but it wasn't a bother as we had the roaring fire keeping us toasty and warm. No, the bother was the rattling of metal on metal as Hermione scurried around the common room, shaking her almost empty collection box.

Calum was helping Ginny with her Care of Magical Creatures work; Luke had escaped to Quidditch practice; but the three of us, we could make no excuses to leave the safety of Gryffindor Tower and find amusement elsewhere.

"Come on, Neville," Hermione begged, waving the tin again and narrowing her eyes. "It's for a good cause."

"I don't know..." The boy in question appeared to be too nervous to say no to her glowers, though it was clear he didn't want to give any money.

"We all need to band together to provide as much possible for elf rights," she began and Neville sent me a pleading look which I pretended not to see. "Honestly, I think it's despicable how some people refuse to give money to such an important charity. It's as though they have no morals at all, not one."

Now although Neville had his flaws, lack of morals was not one of them and we all knew it. Ashton looked like he was about to step in and save the other Gryffindor boy (who seemed on the verge of tears) when a metallic 'clunk' sounded and Hermione released a smug sound.

"That was the last of my money as well," Neville groaned softly, but either Hermione didn't hear him or didn't care as she rushed off to annoy some fifth years that had just climbed through the portrait hole.

"We're going to have to stop her soon," Michael said, watching the older students reprimand Hermione with several sharp words that left her frazzled and the colour of a ripe tomato. "You know, before she murders a first year or something."

"Speaking of," I gestured to several younger students - first or second years, I had got to the point where I could no longer keep track - that Hermione was stalking towards.

"Donate to SPEW?" she started hopefully, and the second years exchanged glances.

"Sorry, we don't have any money," one said.

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