Chapter 9

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Louis and Lottie leave the club together, his arm around her shoulder seeming to shield her from the paparazzi, but truthfully, it's wrapped around her to use as a support, as he is now realizing that he is quite intoxicated.

Louis' POV

Waking up, I open my eyes only to shut them instantly at the intense pain the light causes. Right...I'm hungover. I don't remember how I got here, or even where I am right now. Am I at home? What time is it? Am I alone?

Groaning, I roll over, pressing my face into the pillow, and then hear a soft voice.

"Lou? You awake love?" It's Danielle. I grunt, not wanting to move my pounding head. My stomach is churning now. "You need to drink some water hon, and I've got some pills to help your head. The sooner you take them, the sooner you will feel better"

She's right, but I don't want to give in. I'm feeling incredibly stubborn for some reason this morning...or is it afternoon? Rolling onto my back, I drape an arm over my eyes before mumbling "Wha' time s'it"

"It's 2 pm love. I let you sleep in. Now, sit up a little and drink some water."

Reluctantly, I sit up and open my eyes, noticing that I'm at home just before my stomach flips. I jump off the bed, dashing for the loo, where I collapse in front of the toilet. I gag once before the sick comes literally pouring out of my mouth. Every time I think I'm done, I try to breathe, but then gag and it all starts again. When I finally finish, I register Danielle next to me, stroking my back, and holding the glass of water and the painkillers.

"Oh Lou. This one's hitting hard, isn't it love? Ready for these?" Her voice is sympathetic as she tries to pass me the water and pills.

"No" I don't want to talk; my throat hurts from the vomit.

"Come on, bud, you know it will make you feel better" Why is she talking like that? It sounds like she's trying to be my mum. She's not my mum!

"No Dani! I don't want them. I'll just puke them right back up. Stop trying to force them on me! You're not my mum, you can't tell me what to do." Her face falls, and she leaves the en suite, leaving the water and painkillers on the counter. I'm on the verge of tears. I just feel so sick, and my head hurts, and I miss my mum, and I'm sure I'm going to puke again, and I hate puking on my own, but I just pushed away my girlfriend and hurt her feelings. I start sobbing quietly, not wanting Danielle to hear, but at the same time feeling lonely and vulnerable. Of course, it doesn't take long for my sobs to turn to gags.

Hovering above the toilet dry heaving, I put my aching head in my hands, elbows on the seat, as tears trickle from my eyes. I really don't want to vomit, so I swallow harshly every time I feel the thick liquid rise in my throat. I gag a few more times before I can't stop it anymore and the vomit comes up again, burning my throat before it splashes into the water. I hate this so much. The tears are streaming down my face. Suddenly I feel hands on my shoulders, rubbing gently.

"Aw...oh Boobear." What's Lottie doing here? I don't have time to ask before another wave of sick is making its way up. I feel awful. When I'm finally done, Lottie, who is sitting behind me, holds out the glass of water.

"Don't drink yet. Just rinse." I do as she says before slumping back against her, feeling weak. I'm still crying a little, but I want to stop because I don't want Lottie to know how messed up I feel right now. When I calm my breathing, Lottie still holding me up, I reach for the painkillers and swallow them with a little water, knowing Danielle was right.

Lottie helps me back to my room, where I shoo her out before getting dressed in some sweats and a huge hoodie and making my way to the kitchen, where I make some toast, knowing I need some food in my stomach, despite how its still tossing and turning.

For the rest of the day, Danielle keeps trying to coddle me, but I push her away. I'm not in the mood for anyone to be in my personal space. I just want to lie in my bed and maybe cry a little (a lot...) because I really miss my mum today. Maybe it's something about how horrible I feel that's making me long for her care.

I guess Danielle gets tired of me rejecting everything she does to help, because she leaves around 5. Lottie gets picked up at 7, leaving me alone. I spend the evening watching TV in bed, and fall asleep without ever getting up to find any dinner.

I wake up gasping and sweating. Where's Lottie? They're trying to kill her and me and I lost her and I need to find her before they do...wait no. It's just a dream, Louis, just a dream. Calm down, breathe, I'm okay, right? I do a mental check. All body parts still functioning, I can breathe, I didn't wet the bed, which shouldn't even be a question, but after Friday night I'm a bit worried. The only issue now is that I'm wide awake and its 3 am and I really don't think I'll be able to sleep again.

I try, I really do, but by 4:30, I'm more awake than ever and getting restless, so I decide to just get up. I go out for a walk and a smoke, hoping not to run into any fans at this hour.

I'm exhausted all day, but I spend some of it with my family, so I do my best to stay awake and interested, when really, I just want to curl up in bed with Danielle and watch a movie. I get home around 7, and realize I am quite hungry, having hardly eaten all day. Not wanting to overdo it, I just make some simple pasta, which I sit down to eat by myself. I only eat half before I'm done with it, feeling suddenly very lonely. What is wrong with me? I've lived alone for ages, but suddenly I'm so lonely I can't even eat.

Well I don't have much to say. Next update probably on Tuesday.

Still trying to come up with a good song for the lads to sing to Louis. I might use it as the trigger for going into his headspace, so it needs to be good. Any ideas?

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