Chapter 2

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It had been 2 hours since we arrived at the restaurant.

We had exchanged stories about what we have done over the past years. We never really got into my departure but that was something we needed to do alone, without others around and by that i mainly mean Lucy. She was constantly making snide remarks but i never allowed her to see me get annoyed.

We were currently on the topic of the charity ball. I was listening intently to Lauren speak on the reason why the charity ball was set up, she was always so involved with things like this. Its the reason why i love her. Loved! Loved her.

"...So many of these kids come to the concert, they find the strength to get out of bed to come down for a few hours to watch musicians perform, its amazing how they struggle from day to day to survive yet they find the will to come hear our music, that's why this set needs to be like nothing we have done before, we need to give back to them"

The sincerity in her voice was evident. I watched as Lucy kissed her cheek tentatively

"Did i ever mention how amazing you are"

Lauren blushed slightly and smiled. God they make me sick.

Ally smiled and looked toward Lauren

"You are right Laur, i guess we should head to the studio soon though guys as we need to get as much practice in as possible"

We all agreed and a few moments later all partners left, leaving us girls alone

"So should we head?"

Dinah stood and proceeding fixing her dress, i grabbed her hand and asked her sit back down. Everyone eyes fell on me confused.

"I would like to say something before we go, now that we are alone"

Ally and Normani moved closer so they could hear better.

They all nodded in unison for me to continue

"Look we never got the chance to speak about my departure from the band...It was never anything personal to you girls"

I took a quick glance to my left to meet Lauren's eyes. she was watching me intently, hanging off my every word

"When i was little i always wanted to be a singer, i always seen myself as a lone wolf then i auditioned for the X-Factor and i met you guys and suddenly being a lone wolf didn't seem so appealing anymore. For years yes Fifth Harmony was my everything, you girls were my life but we weren't living, we were puppet's in managements game, how many songs did we get to choose for ourselves? how many outfits did we choose? How many tours did we get to choose where we played? hell we couldn't even love who we wanted..."

That last part was said in anger, i never intended to say it but hell it was out. I didn't dare look at Lauren but i could feel her eyes on me, the other girls were all looking at me with compassion and understanding.

"I wanted to be with you guys but i wasn't being true to myself. I wanted to write my own music, choose my own path and write my own destiny. I wanted to succeed in life with my own free will. I should have spoke with you all before hand but once again management flipped when i decided not to renew my side of the contract and they stripped me from all ties to the band and i was made to leave as soon as possible. I never wanted things to end like that but i needed to get out."

I bowed my head and sighed

"I am truly sorry guys"

I suddenly felt a arm on my shoulder, i looked up and Dinah was caressing my shoulder with a huge smile on her face

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