Chapter 11

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45 mins into the flight and Camila and i haven't spoke. Tori is currently talking to Dinah and Ally, Normani is asleep and Camila is still sitting with her headphones on. I put down my book and get up to go to the toilet. I walk to the back of the plane and notice 2 doors, i open the first one and its a bedroom, a bedroom bigger than my own one in my apartment at that. I close the door and back up into the second door and im relieved when i find it is in fact the bathroom. 

I took a moment to just sit there and think. Is it possible to love someone you spent a whole year hating? How can i go from not wanting to see her face to wanting to kiss every inch of her body. It just doesn't make sense to me. The way she touches me, her lips on mine feel like my whole body is own fire, her laugh just makes me smile instantly. But she broke my heart, she left me in a matter of seconds without even fighting for us or giving me the chance to fight for her. 

There was a knock at the door which pulled me from my thoughts. I stood up quickly pulling up my trousers and flushed the toilet, i washed my hands quickly and proceeded to the door. I was taken back the moment i opened the door, as i was pushed back roughly and the door slamming. It took me a few seconds to realise what was going on, but before i could protest there was a set of lips on mine. These lips weren't lips i was used to. 

I pushed the person back and whipped my lips. I felt violated 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

Tori stumbled back and looked shocked and confused. Did she serious think i was just going to fuck her in a private jet, is that what people think i am really like?

"I-I just thought maybe you were into me"

I shook my head and made a move towards the door, but was stopped. Tori grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back towards her. 

"Im sorry, please don't tell the boss i will be fired and i need this job, I wasn't' thinking, you're just so beautiful and i thought maybe you thought i was too and i just wanted you so bad"

Any other time i would have been flattered by her revelations but right now i am so pissed.

"Look im not going to get anybody fired, but you can't just go about attacking people in the toilets...Now please just leave me be" 

I opened the door and straight away was knocked back by another person. 


Her face dropped when she looked behind me to see Tori, who was currently patting down her uniform and hair making this situation look 100 times worse. I don't know why but i suddenly felt like i was caught doing something wrong. I felt scared and nervous. 

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to interrupt" With that she spun around and walk straight into the room across from the bathroom, shutting the door. I ran my fingers through my hair and down my face, frustrated. I did nothing wrong, but the thought of Camila thinking that was in there fucking the air hostess was really bothering me. I didn't want her to hate me, and thats when it hit me. I still have feelings for Camila. 

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I whispered. Half because of what had happened and half because i realised just how fucking bad this trip was going to get now my heart has owned up to wanting to Camila! 

Tori slipped past me and made her way down towards the others, i didn't want to leave Camila in there on her own so i knocked on the door and didn't await for a response, i just pushed the door open. 

"Get out Lauren, please" There was no emotion to her voice, and that scared me. 

I closed the door behind me and i leaned against it, and just looked at her. She was laid on the bed, just staring up at the ceiling. I knew her and i knew she was annoyed and on the verge of crying. 

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