Chapter 22

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Camilas POV 

"...and then i totally lost my balance and fell face first off the stage. I mean the room went from screams and cheers till silence. I was so embarrassed" 

I was currently telling the girls about the time i fell off stage doing a little promo gig for a small group of fans. I was really drunk and you know that stage of the night were you know you are drunk but you don't at the same time? No? Well thats how i feel right now. I was currently on my third glass of wine, sat on the sofa, practically cuddled up to Lauren. I don't even know how we ended up in this position. One minute we were sitting next to eachother and the next shes sat with one arm leaning on the arm of the chair, her legs bent and tucked under her, with my body pressed into her side, with my knees laid on her legs and her arm was around my back with her hand on my waist keeping me close to her. I'm sure Normani and Ally are confused by the closeness but they haven't raised any questions. 

"Nothing much changed then has it?" Ally said laughing. She and Normani were sat on the floor in front of the fire. It was warm out but both girls thought it would be fun to attempt to make a fire, which somehow went pretty well

"No, but when you have 4 other girls to pick up your vocals when you do is fine...being on your own, not so much" I say chuckling as i take a drink of wine. Lauren giggled and was just about to speak when suddenly the front door flew open and in came Dinah skipping, allowing the door to slam behind her. 

She walked in and threw herself on the sofa across from Lauren and I and threw her hands in the air dramatically 

"Ladies i am in love..That was seriously the best sex-" She suddenly stopped, when she turned her head and looked at me and Lauren. Quickly sitting up she pointed in our direction "wait...What the hell did i miss?" Normani and Ally who were watching Dinah waiting for her to share her story about Tyrone, suddenly turned back to face me and Lauren. The room was quickly becoming hot and i was feeling a little uncomfortable with all eyes on me. 

"Nothing, apart from wine and pizza" Lauren answered quickly taking a sip of her wine and shrugging. 

"And this? What is this all about?" She moved her finger back and forth between me and Lauren, referring to how close we are 

"I actually didn't even notice how close ya'll were" Ally giggled. Dinah was still waiting on her sofa for an answer, but to be honest I didn't have one. I don't know how it happened but it did and to be honest im kind of loving it.

"We are friends and friends do this all the time, so stop making a big deal out of nothing..." Lauren said sounding a little annoyed. I couldn't help but notice how once again she said the word friends in a slightly hurt tone. Dinah scoffed and threw herself back down 

"God okay Lauser, no need for the attitude" I felt Laurens body tense up and i sensed she was getting annoyed, so i discreetly placed my hand on her leg and gave it a gentle squeeze, hoping to calm her down. I felt her body relax and i smiled inwardly, knowing i still had an effect on her.

"Back to me then i guess..."Dinah said rolling onto her side to face us all grinning widely "Best sex of my life" 

"Dinah-Jane Hansen, you don't even know the guy! What if he has something and gave it to you?" Ally said, causing me and Lauren to giggle. It was so good to hear her happy and i couldn't help the butterflies i was feeling in my stomach. 

"With the sex i just had, honey the only thing he gave me was the best fucking orgasm ever" We all started laughing, well everyone but Ally. She was always so sensible and protective to us girls when it came down to sex and boys. Girls in Lauren's case i guess. 

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