Chapter 7

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"It was nothing Camila"

"Didn't seem like nothing last night"

She scoffed and ran her hands through her hair for tenth time in a matter of minutes, she turned and almost spat in anger at me 

"Would you just drop it! Last night i was wasted, i was caught up in the moment so will you just get it in your fucking head that last night i said a lot of stupid shit"

I found a stone on the ground next to my foot and i focused my attention on it, if i didn't distract myself i would only cry. I was unsure how to respond, i knew Lauren and i know when she gets mad there is no point arguing with her because she just loses it even more. 

"So what we just go separate ways now and just act like nothing happened?! I can't do that Lauren..."

She pushed herself off the car hard and got in my face 

"And you think i wanted this?! You did this Camila, you walked out on me, on us, you're the one left the band and stopped talking to me, you're the one drove me into the arms of someone else, you're the one who broke my heart..."

"And i fucking regret it every day of my life Lauren!" I cut her off and took a step closer to her

"I hate that i drove you into Lucy's arms, i hate that i broke your heart, i hate that i hurt the girls, but i had my reasons, i was making you unhappy and it killed me, you wouldn't disobey management yet you hated having to fake relationships, all you had to do was take the risk with me but you wouldn't, but you fucking would for Lucy?! 3 months Lauren! 3 fucking months, that's how long you were with her before you came out publicly for her, i was meant to be the love of your life, we had years together and nothing but 3 fucking months with Lucy and suddenly coming out is on the cards, don't you think that broke me?"

I was now crying, Lauren was staring at me with shock on her face, probably due to my outburst, i took a breath, calmed my voice down and sighed taking a step back 

"I guess she just meant more..."

"No dont you dare do that! Don't dare try and say i didn't love you like i do her, because she will never fucking compare to you Camz! No one ever will...Hell i'm not even with the fucking girl..."

What?! What the fuck did she just say? 

She seemed just as shocked as me with what she just spoke, by the look on her face she didn't mean to say that...I stared in disbelief 

"What?! What do you mean your not even with her?" 

She shook her head and took a step backwards and cursed at the sky 

"Lauren! What do you mean your not with her?" 

"Forget i said anything! please" 

I couldn't drop it! She wasn't with Lucy? Did they break up?! Did Lauren tell her about us?! Oh my god what if Lucy tells Martin! Shit

"Not a chance am i dropping this Lauren! Did you tell her about us and she broke up with you?"

"Camila for fuck sake stop being an intrusive fucking bitch and leave me the fuck alone, your good at that" 

Wow did she really just say that?!

I watched her facial expression change when she realised how she just spoke me, she knew she had went to far this time.

To be honest i couldn't even look at her right now, i turned and walked towards the car door, opening the door i looked in her direction quickly 

"We should go" 

That's my girlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora