Chapter 18

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Dinahs POV 

"Ladies and gentlemen, i am happy to announce to this stage a woman who can only be described as the next Beyonce, someone beautiful and courageous, one of Beyonces own best friends...Miss Dinah-"

"Dinah! Dinah wake up" 

What the fuck?! I awoke to the sound of Ally's annoying little yappy voice. She did not just wake me from a Beyonce dream, I will break her little body in half. 

I lift my hand to try shove her away but she can be a persistent little thing. Kind of reminds me of a Chihuahua, must be a small thing.

"Ally go away!"

"Dinah get up, we are going for food in 10 minutes and unless you want to look like a complete ugly mess i advise you to get up" 

Okay she may be small but she has fierce skills, she knows exactly what to say to get me out of bed. I throw back the blanket and hop down off the bed, i push past Ally sending her crashing to the floor, i turn to face her and smirk before whipping my head back in front of me dramatically sending my hair to the side and making my way into the bathroom. 

Looking in the mirror, i almost died. My hair was a mess, my makeup was only half off, clearly not the best at removing it when drunk. God i drank so much last night. Like way to much for my own good.

10 minutes later and i was looking on point. My bikini was on, a shawl around my waist used like a skirt, my hair was curly and volumeised, thanks to the heat.

I walk out the lounge and find everyone sat waiting for me, I notice them all looking at my feet and i shrug and flip my hair off my shoulder

"Don't hate me because you ain't me bitches" The were all looking at my feet because i chose to wear heels, but can't a girl dress up a little for the men on her vacation? Exactly.

We all made our way to a little local cafe down the road, everyone was quiet but i couldn't help notice Camila and Lauren were a little off. Lauren was walking miles in front of everyone with her head down, and Mila was walking like someone had stole her puppy. Sure last night was a disaster but Mila said she wanted to try things with Lauren so why haven't they spoke and walking round like a bunch of love sick puppies. 

I know i said they shouldn't get involved but the love these guys have for another is crazy and they clearly want one another so to pass up on that because of a few mistakes they made when they were younger would be pathetic. 

"Yo chancee, with me you must walk" I put on my best Yoda voice and watched as she just moved over to me. Okay something is definitely up because she used to love my Yoda voice

"Whats up with you?" I ask nudging her slightly with my shoulder 

"Nothing...tired just" 

"Yeah okay, not happening, you can't lie to your master....So tell me whats up or i will have to give you a poly-beat down and well you don't want that" 

She gives me a small smile before giving me a heavy sigh 

"I spoke to Lauren this morning-"

"Okay great, so did you tell you want to try again and take it slow?" 

I watched as her face fell and she shook her head. Oh fuck this isn't good. I look up at Lauren and she is still walking with her head down, so i know something bad has went down

"No, the opposite actually" 

I stopp in my tracks "What?!" I shout a little to loudly, making everyone turn round. I wave them off quickly and tell them to walk on, i need to hear what the hell this little Cuban is talking about

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