Chapter 16

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Camilas POV 

I took a deep breathe and went to pull Lauren into me but she shook her head, wiped at her face vigorously and pushed me back. I went to speak but she cut me off 

"I get if you didn't want to face me but you didn't even leave a letter Camila!" 

I looked at her puzzled and sat up straight 

"But i did Lauren!" I almost shouted not understanding what was happening right now. 

Lauren looked up at me with the same confused expression that i was wearing now too. She ran her fingers through her hair and let out a laugh, not a hearty cute funny laugh, but more of disbelief laugh. It sent a chill down my spine

"Don't give me that shit! I'm not fucking crazy, i got no letter Camila! No letter, no goodbye, no hug, no explanation not even a fucking hand shake for Christ sake. 4 years i was your everything and in a matter of months i was literally nothing to you! You destroyed me Camila Cabello. You fucking destroyed me" 

I rose to my feet angrily and I watched Lauren jump at my sudden movement, I was staring down at her and my heart was racing with fury. 

"Nothing? Thats what you fucking think?! I don't know what the hell that drink has done to you but you are seriously messed up in the head! I waited after the show for you, everyone came to the dressing room to say their goodbyes and i handed out the more personal letters to the girls, i stood waiting for you too come, but you never did Lauren. I figured you really hated me that much, so i found your mom in the hall and i gave her your letter and asked her to give it to you..."

Lauren put her head back in her hands and groaned in frustration, kicking the sand in front of her. To be honest i had no idea what was going on in her head.

"Don't dare say that I never waited for you or I never wrote you anything! Things might have been fucked with us back then, but you were still the only one i was waiting for that night, the only one i truly needed to say goodbye to face to face! It would have killed me but i needed it, who knows maybe i would have realised then how stupid i was to leave you but i guess we will never know because you were off to busy pretending to be someone else's girlfriend no doubt" 

I was yelling at this point, I too had so much pain and anger built up that needed to come out and i guess tonight was the night we were all getting releases

"What the fuck are you on about?! I didn't get no letter Camila! My mom never gave-" She stopped mid sentence and put her hand over her mouth in shock and rose to her feel with a look of realisation on her face.

"Your mom never what Lauren?" I asked, getting closer to her but she just kept shaking her head and looked up at me with an unreadable expression. I watched as she looked behind me before she started running back in the direction of the girls. I quickly run after her yelling her name but she doesn't stop until she reaches the bar. I watch her as she stops in front of them and looks between all of them before shouting 

"Did you's know?! Did you's know she left a letter for me?!" 

Being way past drunk, the three girls looked at her like she was speaking a different language, then they looked at me. Dinah took a step toward Lauren and put her arm around her shoulder but Lauren shrugged it off just as quick sending Dinah back into the bar.

"What the hell Lauren?!" Dinah yelled before quickly squaring up to Lauren. This whole night was taking a turn for the worse. I stepped between the two girls and Dinah scoffed before turning her back. I look at Lauren and all i see if eyes full of confusion and anger. I put my hand on her shoulder and i told her to take a deep breath. 

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