Chapter 8

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Lauren POV

I laid on my bed waiting for Ally to call me, she was meant to be picking me up to take me shopping but as always she's never on time. Probably some were with a prayer mat, praying for my sins. 

I hear a silent like knock on my door, and i jump u off the bed confused. Ally never knocks. Come to think of it no-one around here knocks. I pull the door quickly whilst mid sentence

"Ally why on earth did you - Camila?!"

Yep. Definitely not Ally. There at the door of my bedroom, is a radiant brunette in a tight red summer dress, hair swept to the side. God those legs, they go on forever, so silky and smooth. I drag my eyes from her body and look up again to be met with a...smirk?

"Do you shamelessly perv on all the girls who turn up at your door?"

I can feel my cheeks heating up. I laugh nervously and shake my head vigorously 

"I-I wasn't perving, i was just expecting Ally thats all, you surprised me" 

She leans against the door frame and crosses her arms, still smirking

"Ah so it just Ally you open the door to with eyes in the lower half of the person's body. Got'cha"

"What? No..I just meant -"

"Lauren im kidding, calm down" She said whilst laughing. God that laugh. 

Why am i such a stuttery mess around her.

Its been 3 days since i seen her last, since we kissed and said our goodbyes. 3 days have past and she is still the occupier of my thoughts, fuck even my dreams. A part of me wants to just let her back into my life and to just pick up were we left but the other half of me know's its a bad idea and i need just ignore the feelings i have when she is around. 

Wait, why is she waving at me?

"Lauren? Hellooo?"

I shake my head from my thoughts and apologize and ask her to come in, fuck she makes me so nervous its crazy 

"Can i get you anything? Tea, Coffee, wine?"

She looks around my bedroom and i can't read what she is thinking. The room is a little plain. Not what she would be used to seeing from me, but i am never here and i have just never found the time to actually decorate it the way i want.

"No thank you, I just stopped by for a few moments to talk then i'll leave"

I tried not to show my frown, for some reason my heart dropped at her words. She had only got here and already i was hooked. 

I nodded and ushered her to sit on the bed and I sat on the desk, i didn't trust myself to sit on the bed with her, last time i was in a close space with her i ended up kissing her and I can't let myself lose control like that again. Its not fair on her, or me. 

She sat down sheepishly and then looked up at me. My heart skipped its beat when her eyes tore into mine. We had always had this connection when we would look at one another, and it would seem that it has never went away. 

"So Dinah called round to mine today, she told me about your guy's trip to Hawaii"

I smiled at the thought of Hawaii. I nodded and she just kept her eyes on mine, it was becoming a little in tense if i was honest. 

"She invited me..."

I ducked my head quickly and adverted my gaze and instantly I heard her sigh and whisper 

"Guess i don't even need to ask the question"

I look up at her and she was on her feet, heading for the door. What the hell just happened...I jump off the desk and rush to her side, grabbing her arm and stopping her before she left. 

"Camila, stop...What just happened? What question"

She looked at the ground and refused to look at me, i kept my hand on her arm afraid if i let go she would run for it.

"Nothing, you just confirmed my thoughts"

"What thoughts Camila? What are you talking about"

She sighs and throws her head back against the wall, slightly pulling me into her. I dont move.

"Do you want me there Lauren? Thats my question...But you literally just answered for me"

My heart stopped, the air became hot and my mouth suddenly felt dry. Do i want her there? Fuck Camz if only you knew.

I couldn't speak, the words just wouldn't form in my mouth. I felt her push herself off the wall again and shook her head before reaching for the door again. 

" don't know" I crooked out, stopping her in her tracks. She hung her head and let go of her arm finally, i turned around and walked to my bed and sat down, hoping this time she would follow. Which she did, only sitting furthest from me. 

I looked at her and felt the need to tell the truth. 

"I don't know Camila...Yes, i want you there because well I miss you, hell we all miss you. We've always wanted to go to Hawaii and it would be awesome to be able to go as a friends, but at the same time apart of me says no i don't want you there..."

She flinches at my words and starts to fumble with the hem of her skirt, I keep my eyes on her and sigh 

"I don't want you there because i don't trust myself being around you, watching you smile, laugh, be the goofy person you are, having you sleeping in the same room again, having to listen to your jokes and just listen to your silly thoughts, i don't trust being able to do all that and not want you. I'm afraid that i'll want to kiss you again, i'm afraid Camila"

There was a deadly silence, she was staring at me and i was staring at her. I could tell she was pondering something but i didnt want to ask her what it is was. 

I watched as a small smile crept on her face, and I am curious for the reason to that smile. 

"What? Why are you smiling?"

"Its nothing...Look If you don't want me to go then I won't. I would, like to go because I too miss you all and well its Hawaii for crying out loud, who wouldn't want to go. Yes apart of me would be afraid of all that too, but we can't just not ever be around one another in fear that will we kiss or something, i mean I wouldn't totally be opposed by it"

Wait, did she just say that? I quirk an eyebrow and she smirks and continues 

"Look a lot has happened these past few days and I don't know whats going on but what i do know is sleeping with you for me wasn't a mistake. I get it, you don't want me like that again and i dont blame you, but fuck do i want to kiss the shit out of you when im aroudn you and i know i can't so i just push it to the back of my mind and i remind myself its better to have you as a friend than not at all, so you just need to do the same...."

Kiss the shit out of me...My heart is literally imploding. My head is screaming for me, to jump up grab her sexy fucking face and do what she wants, but my heart is screaming no.


I hear her giggle and it makes me instantly smile 

"Have i reduce you to mush miss Jauregu i?"

I shake my head and throw myself onto the bed with a dramatic flop

"I know im going to regret this...But Camila Cabello, i want you to come to Hawaii with us"

I am seriously going to regret this.

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