Chapter 14

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No ones POV

Lauren sat still in her chair, not moving a muscles. Her eyes were wide with shock at what Ally had just suggested to Camila. She turned her head slightly to the right to see how Camila was reacting and she was pretty much the same as herself. Camila turned to look at Lauren for some sort of reassurance that if she did this it wouldn't be a big deal, but both girls knew it was going to be a huge deal. 

"Come on Camila, just do it!" Dinah shouted, smirking knowing full well she was about to find out whether she was correct in her speculations that something was still there between the two Cubans. 

Camila shuffled in her seat and looked around to see if there was any onlookers but it was only them, the bartender and the ukulele guy. 

"I have no music to do it to, this is so stupid...I pick truth" 

All the girls except Lauren shook their heads to disapprove of the request. Normani pulled out her phone and smirked at Camila before waving it in front of her face 

"Don't worry Mila i have plenty of songs to help you out"

Camila sighed defeated and lifted her drink and downed the rest of it in one, wiping the excess drink from her mouth she nodded and shuffled forward 

"Okay let's get this over with play the song Mani" 

Lauren whipped her head in Camila's direction, her heart racing. She leaned over and whispered "What? You're doing this?" Camila nodded and suddenly felt a rush of confidence pass through her, seeing Lauren flustered and nervous only urged her on more. She was going to show Lauren just how bad she wanted her.

Normani scanned through her phone whilst Camila stood taking her place in front of Laurens lounger. Lauren shifted in her seat before downing what was left in her glass and discarding it to the sand, she sat up straight anticapating what was too come. This wasn't going to be her first lap dance from the younger girl but thats what scared her most, she knew just how sexy Camila could get and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to contain herself. 

Normani giggled and clapped excitedly before clicking play on her chosen song.

(Play The weekend - Earned it for better reading)

As the music began, Camila locked eyes with Lauren, as she began to sway her hips starting out slow, she ran her hands down each side of her body, never once losing contact with Lauren. She slowly turned round facing out to the ocean and bent forward dragging her hands down her own legs, giving Lauren full view of her ass, she bounced her hips slightly causing her rounded ass to jiggle, before thrusting up back into standing position. Lauren swallowed hard, Camila had only started and she was already very turned on. 

Camila whipped her head to the left, flipping her hair to one side and turned her head to look over her shoulder seductively, biting down on her bottom lip knowing full well its what turned Lauren on the most. She kept her gaze on Lauren as she slowly slid down to the sand on her knees, she gripped the hem of her dress before lifting up slightly and moving onto all fours, hitching her dress up slowly over her hips so Lauren was now in perfect view of her red lace panties. She dropped her head and spread her legs wider, then dug her hands into the sand as she moved her hips downwards dragging them over the tip of the sand before coming up again, she repeated the action numerous times before she spun around, sending sand scattering everywhere. Lauren was hooked, she was frozen to her chair, her hands gripped to each side of the lounger, her own breathing was heavy as she watched the young woman in front of her position herself on her ass and once again spreading her legs wide open and leaning back on her hands, lifting herself from the ground slightly and thrusting her hips harshly into the air. 

That's my girlDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora