Chapter 25

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Camilas POV 

I've heard people talk about 'word vomit', and frankly i was skeptical until right now. Dinah backed me into a corner that i knew i wasn't coming out of, she just pushed and pushed until boom, word vomit. Here i am one minute telling Lauren not to tell anyone and keep it to herself and next I'm yelling about us across the whole house. 

It was all happening so fast, Lauren was off being mad at me, Dinah was smirking and actually happy for me, Normani and Ally were both a little more shocked. My head is a little over the place right now. 

"Wait, you and Lauren are back together?" 

And here we go. This is why i didn't want anyone to know. I mean how do i even go about explaining what we are when i don't even know what we are.

"We aren't together Mani" 

"So you guys are just having sex then?" Normani asked shocked and confused

"When did this happen? How did it happen? I thought you two hated eachother still" Ally just had to get her piece in too.

Oh my God are these two for real. 

"Shut up! Just...shut up please! I don't know what we are. We kissed...a few times and we haven't spoke about what we are! Now Laurens stormed off because she thinks i was flirting with Kamea and you lot are not helping asking me stupid questions that i dont even know the answer to" 

Normani looks at me and then back to Kamea 

"Wait why does Lauren think you were flirting with her? Were you flirting with her?" 

Kamea is looking at me like she is waiting on an answer more than anything. Does she want me to say yes? Does she like me? No Camila now is not the time. 

"That would be my fault" Dinah says raising her hand in the air. "I may have told Lauren i saw Camila flirting with Kamea..." Normani and Ally look at eachother then to Dinah a little confused and shocked, Normani went to speak but Dinah waved her hand in defense and spoke up before her "Look i knew these two were back together-"

"we aren't together" I cut her off, she rolled her eyes and continued 

"Anyway, so i thought these two were fucking and no one would tell me the truth and i just thought if i could get Lauren jealous then i would know the truth" 

I don't know whether to laugh or cry right now. This is just classic Dinah, meddle and not care what happens aslong as she gets the scoop, but the crazy thing is i have missed her. I have missed everyone, always being with your friends, falling out, making up, laughing until dawn. I miss Fifth Harmony.

"Girl you are something else! Mila go find your girl and i'll whoop this ones ass for you" I love Normani sometimes, but Lauren is not my girl. Not that i don't want her to be. Do i want her to be? I do still care for her and i do have feelings for her and i know i don't want to be kissing anyone else but her but is wanting her to be my girl thinking way to fast?

"Oh no no no...No one is going out in that storm!" Kamea says skipping over to us. Tyrone following behind her. Do they really think i am about to just leave Lauren out there alone?

"I have to find Lauren" 

"Lauren is a big girl she can make her own way back and she will be back soon because that storm is about to pick up with strength. Its bad enough one of you being out there but i do not want to be responsible for the loss of 2 celebrities, so i can't let you go" 

Is she for real? Lauren is out there in the storm and all she cares about is her own ass? And to think i thought she was hot. Sorry Kamea but you went from hot to not in less than a second babe.

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