Chapter 10

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We arrived at the airport and i was following the girls in the car in front. It became apparent to me and Mani after a while that we weren't going to be parking at the airport though, as we made our way through a security barrier to the....runway? 

"What the hell is going on?" Mani asked, just as confused as me. 

"I have no idea" 

I followed the car around the corner, my confusion doubling by the second, that was until i seen in the middle of the runway, a white and gold...

"Private jet? Dinah got us a private jet" I looked at Mani who looked like she was about to explode with pure excitement. Not going to lie, i too felt like i could burst with excitement. Where the hell did Dinah pull that kind of cash from though? 

We parked up and both Mani and i practically jumped out of the car, running towards the girls, who were now getting out of there car. I was about to ask Dinah about it, until i realised she had the biggest shock writing all over her face. Wait, if Dinah didn't do this then who? 

"Shut the front door!!! Girl you fucking own a private jet?!" 

I watched at Dinah spoke too no-one but the air, but i soon realised who she was infact speaking to. 

"I don't owe it, i borrowed it from Taylor. I figured if we were going to do this then we should start y making old memories, become new memories" 

She looked at me with a smirk on her face, knowing full well of what the old memories held for us on a private jet. I instantly blushed, but ignored her comments and turned to help the men with the bags. 


"Holy crap, we are on a frickin jet girls" Ally squealed as we awaited take off. 

It was the night before we were attending a party of Simon Cowell's. We weren't sure we would make it but Simon insisted we be there and he even went as far as to get us a private jet just to have us there in time. 

There was 2 seats up front with a little table, that Mani and Ally sat at. Then there was smaller sofa that Dinah was practically laid on and then at the back facing the opposite way, on a longer sofa was Camz and I. Things with us have been so good lately. 

2 hours in to the flight and Dinah, Ally and Normani have passed out from the excitement, and well the 2 bottles of champagne that had. I was currently wrapped in a blanket, laying down on the sofa, propped up on my elbow with Camz laid next me, while i stroked her hair. 

"Did you ever think the day you auditioned that you would be here?"

Camz looked at me and quirked an eyebrow with a smirk

"What that the girl i thought was pretty and had a cute shirt would be on a private jet with me, in the same band as me and in love with me?" 

I pushed her shoulder slightly and giggled, before turning serious again and going back to playing with her hair 

"No i mean, did you ever think that your wildest dreams would ever come true?" 

She lifted herself up slightest to relax back onto her elbows and kept her eyes on me.

"I don't think anyone ever expects their wildest dreams too come true, but i do believe our destiny is written for us before we are even born and i believe my destiny is panning out pretty amazing so far...I have an amazing family who love me, I have a career in singing, which i love so much, i get to travel the world, i have amazing friends and band members, but most of all I have an amazing girlfriend that gives me reason and meaning and I love her more than she realizes"

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