Chapter 17

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Laurens POV

I woke to the sound of groans coming from somewhere near me. I lifted my head and it honestly felt like someone had replaced my brain with a tonne of bricks, I flopped back down and listened as another groan filled the RV

"Holy shit it is like so bright in here, make it stop"

I giggle a little at how irritated Normani sounded. Her voice was groggy and husky from the all the drink.

"Shut up!" I was wondering how long it would take before Dinah would pipe up. It has always been like this, if we have been drinking or up late in the studio etc Normani will be the first too wake up, she can be quite vocal in the mornings and when you are hungover it can get annoying. Dinah will be the first to yell, she is not a morning person at all. As for me and Ally we will suffer silently and tiptoe around so we don't disturb the others.

"I swear that cute bartender was trying to fuck us up, i have never felt this hungover in all my life!" Normani groans then i hear a thud and a shriek coming from Normani.

"Dinah did you seriously just throw a fucking shoe at my leg?!"

I stifle a laugh as I listen to my friends.

"I was aiming for your head! Now either leave or shut up" She says sounding muffled, I picture her on her bed more than likely with her face buried under her pillow to try get rid of the piercing sunlight. On our tour bus we were used to black out windows, so the sun never really came in hard in the morning, plus the curtains over our bunks were a lot thicker than the ones on this RV.

Minutes pass and I hear light snores and there is complete silence, so I assume everyone is back to sleep. I really wish I hadn't of drank so much last night. I sigh as memories of last night flash through my mind.

Could my mom really be that selfish? She watched me cry for weeks because I thought Camila hated me that much to not even say bye or give me a letter, so to know she could have lessened the load but chose not to was bothering me.

I hated how I just went to bed without speaking to Camila last night, but I was angry and upset and I knew with us we would just end up fighting over the stupidest things.

I sighed and finally decided to go get something to drink, sitting up slowly, i pull back my curtain and go to step on when inside of a cold floor I am met with a body.

Normani? What the hell is she doing sleeping on the floor. In her underwear? God how drunk were we last night.

I step over her and make my way to the kitchen area. I decide to have some coffee and a banana. Moments later I feel slightly more refreshed, I throw my hair up into a messy bun and give myself the once over, I'm in my red tight shorts and white tank top, I seriously don't remember even getting dressed last night.

"Morning" I jump at the sudden noise and whip round to see Ally stood with her head in her hands. She looks how I feel. Hawaii destroyed us and it was only night one.

"Did Mani sleep there all night?" She said softly, referring to the young girl asleep on the floor still. I chuckle and shrug because I honestly don't know if she passed out there or rolled out of her bunk in the middle of the night.

"Want coffee?" I ask, she nods appreciatively and I go about making her a cup while she takes a sit on one of the sofas. I hand her the cup and sit down next to her, bringing my legs up and tucking them under me.

"So how you feeling today?" Ally asked, I wasn't sure if she meant health wise or emotionally.

"Im ok...You don't look like you are feeling to healthy this morning?" I say trying to divert the attention off me, it was to early to try talk about last nights revelations. She side eyes me and I see a small smile form on her lips

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