Chapter 4

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I had just woken up and took a shower. Tomorrow had come pretty quick figuring the little sleep i had. I tossed and turned all night, my head a complete mess. Lauren really hates me and i cant blame her, i did just give up on us. I laid wondering how today would go, yes in front of Maisie she would try to be polite to me but i knew the minute Maisie left to go to the toilet or doing something and me and her were alone that all hell would break loose. 

I wrapped a towel around my wet hair and made my way to my night stand and unplugged my phone from the charger, letting the lead hit the floor. I looked at the screen and debated whether i should just ring and cancel, but i knew i couldn't, there was a little girl who needed me. I sighed frustrated with how out of control things with me and Lauren have got. 

I never expected to be her best friend obviously but i did imagine by now we could at least be civil to one another since i still care about her. Maybe that's my problem, maybe i need to stop caring like she has down, seems to be working fine for her. 

I unraveled the towel from my hair and brushed through it, i dried and straightened it and got dressed. I chose to wear a white pair of skinny jeans with rips at the knees, with a red crop top and pale denim shirt. Maisie had told us she would like to visit the zoo with us, so management arranged a private tour for us. 


I was in the car currently waiting outside a rather large apartment waiting for no other than Lauren, much to my dismay. I had protested and suggested we all just meet at the zoo but Lexie reminded me this was the little's girls wish so i had no choice in the matter.

 I decided to take my White range rover sport, it was my pride possession. It was modified with all the technology you could imagine. Built in TV screens on the back seats, a touch screen computer that allowed me to watch, play and stream music, with a surround sound music system. I could talk to the car and she would answer me with any question i asked, it had a built in GPS system and camera that allowed me to see the road aheads traffic or speed limit, it also had sensors to allow me better parking. The best of all was the little remote that came with it, with the touch of a button i could control everything in my car. 

I drummed the steering wheel in anticipation, to say i was nervous to see Lauren was the understatement of the year. I looked out the passenger window and spotted her approaching. She was wearing, denim shorts with a army green hoodie, her hair was tied up and her makeup was minimal, she looked flawless. 

I diverted my gaze quickly as she opened the door and plopped herself down on the seat, slamming the door a little to hard may i add. I looked at her quickly but she just put her seat belt on and pulled out her phone. This was going too be a long day, if this was how she was going to react all day. I sighed loudly to make it known i was fed up with her attitude, and pulled out of the sidewalk and drove toward the hotel to were Maisie and her mum were staying.

15 minutes later, i was pulling up to the hotel. Not a single word was spoke between us the whole journey, she sat texting on her phone the whole time, no doubt the recipient was Lucy.

We wern't to meet Angie and Maisie until 11 so we wer 15 minutes early, so i figured it was time i broke the silence. I parked the car and pulled out the keys and slouched back in my seat and took a deep breath 


I dragged out the word and i instantly felt like an idiot. Really the only thing i could say was so? Was i genuinely retarded. She just looked at me and then back at her phone. 

"Lauren we have to speak at some point today" 

She sighed and kept her gaze on her phone 

"We will speak when Maisie wants us to talk, as for now and anytime she isn't around well we don't need to speak"

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