Chapter 27

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Lauren POV


Thats what i was feeling. Complete and utter bliss

I won't lie and pretend i think that this, what we ever me and Camila are at the moment, is going to be all rainbows and butterflies. Im not naive, i understand that this time around it is going to be different. We won't see eachother everyday, we won't be able to cuddle every night and until Camila is ready to come out to her fans, well we can't go public. 

However, i am 100% happy and glad that we are finally moving in the right direction. Maybe the year apart was what we needed, some space to become who we needed to be, to figure ourselves out. Considering we haven't seen nor spoke in a year and we still want eachother, means something right? 

I need to call Lucy and tell her about me and Camila but i know the moment i do she is going to flip out. I can't blame her, but what did she expect that we would be 'together' for forever. Its not fair on either of us. Then there is the dreaded conversation i need to have with my mom, she has some serious explaining to do and i need to know if she still has the letter. 

But...all that can wait. Right now i am in Hawaii, with the most beautiful girl and the best group of girls in the world and i am going to make the most of the few days we have left. 

The storm was still raging outside, the electric had went out awhile ago now, so the rooms were lit only by candle light and the sitting room was lit with the flames from the fireplace. Tyrone and Kamea had left not long ago to see if the elderly residents close by were okay and had light. It was kind of nice of them to do that, but that doesn't mean i don't hate that bitch any less.

I was sat in the sitting room with the girls and cuddled up to Camz on the sofa. We had told the girls what was happening between us, minus the moment in the shower. Fuck was that so unexpected and fucking hot. Camila had this way of making the slightest of touches seem so intense, how her hands could make you feel so - 

"Lauser?!...Earth to fucking Lauren!" 

Oh crap! They calling me? I can feel my face reddening from the thoughts i was just brought of. I hope no one asks me what i was thinking about, i dont think Camz would be too impressed with me telling everyone about our little escapade in the shower. Can you blame me for thinking about her though, she is beautiful clothed never mind fucking naked and soaking wet moaning in my - 

pfht! What the fuck just happened?!

"Get out of your head dipshit and talk to me" 

Seriously? Dinah just fired a fucking cushion at my head? Is she for real 

"What the hell D!"

Everyone is laughing, even Camila! A quick glare from me soon stops her though. She squeezes my hand and leans over to kiss the spot were the cushion hit me. She is too fucking cute. God how did i get so lucky 

"Babe Dinah is talking to you and i think you should answer before she loses the plot over there" She whispers lowly into my ear. I whip my head round to face a frustrated Dinah 

"What Dinah?" 

"It doesn't even matter now" God she is so dramatic sometimes. 

Normani continues to laugh and then leans closer to the edge of the sofa to talk to me, like if she didn't move i wouldn't hear her. Clearly one to many. 

"She wants to know if you wa-" Before she could finish, she was the at the receiving end of another cushion to the face. 

"Don't tell her what I said Mani! She doesn't listen she doesn't get to know" 

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