Chapter 20

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Camila POV 

I don't know what is happening to me. My head is everywhere, one minute i don't want her, the next I do. Every time i tell myself we can be friends, i go and mess it up by allowing my thoughts to get the better of me. Being in the water with Lauren, having fun just being care free and forgetting everything that was going on, being that close to her just got me entranced in her beauty and I don't know what came over me but I just needed to kiss her. 

She was angry at me and i dont blame her one bit, she must be so confused. If i am this confused then i cant imagine how she feels. She hasn't spoke to me since and i was beginning to think we would never be able to make this friends thing work. Am i kidding myself into thinking i can really just be her friend? I need too make a decision and a final one this time. 

30 minutes from the waterfall and we were parking back up at the quad hire hut. The man came to greet us and helped us both off. "Did you enjoy your tour?" He asked looking at Lauren, a little to longingly for my liking. 

"Yeah it was great" I said quickly and sternly before Lauren could reply. The man looked a little startled and just nodded and smiled "Wonderful, come back anytime.." He looked at Lauren once again, i just rolled my eyes and walked off leaving Lauren to say her goodbyes. 

"What the hell was that?" She said running to catch up with me. I shrugged not looking at her, playing dumb "What was what Lauren?" 

She just shook her head and sighed loudly. She was drained from all this, i could hear it in her voice and her body language was speaking a million words. 

"What are we doing Camila? One minute you say you want me, then you pull back and say you want to be friends but you act the complete opposite..Its confusing and tiring and i need to know what is going on" Her voice sounded sat and i instantly felt bad. I need to be up front with her, tell her i love her and want her but im scared..

I took a deep breath and stopped to look at her "Lauren I -" 

"Camren! Yo you made it back in one piece, we were beginning to think we needed to send a search party out for you" Dinah cut me off before i could talk to Lauren. I glanced at Lauren and sighed apologetically before turning to face Dinah and the others. 

"We well we got lost, when did yous get back?"

"Oh we didn actually-" Ally started but quickly stopped when Dinah dug her elbow into her side. What was that about? Ally winched in pain clutching her side. Dinah just turned to me and smiled like that little interaction didn't happen 

"Oh we got back a little while ago, we went looking for you but we couldn't find yous" 

I sensed something was up, Ally and Normani were acting a little shifty but i didn't press on it. I looked at Lauren, who was standing watching Ally intently, probably wondering what that was all about. 

"Did you guys see that big cat statue? It was so cool right?" Lauren said, i looked at her and quirked an eyebrow. Cat? What cat? what did i miss. I watched Lauren move her gaze to Dinah's and then Dinah stared back unfazed "Nope, must have missed that one". I was so confused, what was happening. 

"Ah too bad, it was pretty, right Camz?" I nodded a little to eagerly, i had no clue what she was on about but i didn't want to disagree right now. 

"Maybe next time...So what did you guys get up too? Anything interesting?" 

Lauren and i shared a quick glance, before she started smirking. Just thinking about her hands on my body, her fingers in my waistband of the shorts, her body in that bikini in the water. I cleared my throat ridding myself of the thoughts and looked at Dinah and shrugged 

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