Christmas Preparation

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December in Manhattan. What a beautiful view. Alongside famous Manhattan slush, there is also gift shopping for the holidays. On the Upper East, nobody leaves gift shopping for twenty third December. 

Except Kira Williams.

Do not judge. She was busy. And no, you perverts, there was not a boy involved in this equation.

She was working. Now that Jennifer kicked her out of W, she had time to photograph. She took more than 200 photographs of NYC per day. For her it was not work, it was pleasure.

But now she was hurrying down the street trying to find a a perfect gift for a very important person.


"You should go, Mark is gonna freak out." Sabrina giggled in his ear. 

"He can wait a little longer..." Chris said and locked his lips with her's. 

Just as the two were getting cozy, Mark decided to call.

Here is the thing. 

Sophia decided that they should have Red Christmas Ball. Of course, Mark wanted to play a good boyfriend and help her out.

But he has never hosted a party alone. There was always someone who did it for him And Chris has dated Kira for like forever. He knows what it takes for a good ball.

"Chris. When I say meet me, now. You meet me right now. Not an hour later." He hissed. He was already waiting at the meeting place.

"I...I..." Chris stuttered.

"You know, do not bother. I have a meeting in... Five minutes ago. Goodbye Christian."

He said hitting end button and entering his limo.

As the limo drove away, Kira exited the shop. She was holding  a bag which had a Rolex watch inside of it. 

But this wasn't just any Rolex watch. Kira had a note engraved at the back of it. 

It said:" Love you, always and forever, KW." with tiny cursive. For the past few weeks, while she was taking pictures around the city, she had plenty time to think. And she realized that the right person for her was, none other than Mark Dallas.

Such a gentleman. Yet taken. God, What will Sophia think? 

She took a look at the bag she was holding. What was the right thing to do? It was Christmas, for Christ's sake. It was a gift. She is going to give it to him. He probably won't even notice.

Yes, that is exactly what she is going to do.


"No, no, no... I want roses." Sophia said through the phone when Mark entered the apartment. He sat his coat on the coach, and took a long look at her. She was pacing back and forth. He could sense that the person on other side of the phone is not going to survive the morning if Sophia doesn't get what she wants.

"Finally. Yes. Thank you." She said throwing the phone on the couch.

"Roses?" He asked smiling.


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