Christmas Brings Drama

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Sophia was putting her earrings on when her phone buzzed. She was a bit busy so she decided to hear the voicemail.

"Hey. It's Sabrina. I am on my way. I can't wait for your first ball to start! See you."

"God."  Sophia thought. It was so cute that Sabrina was more excited for the ball then Sophia was. Her friend was so cheerful. Maybe it was the holidays. But Sophia thought that there was a boy involved. A certain boy who made both her and Kira fall for him head over heels before. 

Christian Bale.

But she couldn't say for sure. It was just a hunch. For now on, she was not going to pay attention to it. If something was going on, she would've found out. Sabrina and her were friends. 

She made her way down the stair case and observed the living room of Mark's apartment. Mark was sitting at the mini-bar waiting for her.

"You know, you should wait for the quests sober." She thought of saying, but she did not once she saw that he is not drinking at all. Usually, she would've seen him with a glass in his hands, but tonight, nothing. He was just sitting there, while people from the catering brought food and drinks in the apartment.

"Hey." She started and sat next to him." What is wrong?" She took a long look at him. He ran his hand through his hair.

"Nobody is here to see how beautiful you are." He said touching her cheek.

She had a long red Prada dress on, her hair was in a ponytail, and she had her make-up looking perfect. She smiled at him.

"Thank you, you look handsome yourself. Now, do not worry, they will be here."

She said, flashed one last smile, and walked away to deal with the catering. 

Once the job was done, she looked at the whole room.

Roses were adorning the room, food was set on the tables, drinks were on the bar, Christmas tree was there. Her first ball starts now.


Kira slowly entered the apartment. She was wearing a Miri Couture ball gown and her hair was let loose on her shoulders.

She was holding the same Rolex watch bag. She as going to leave it under the Christmas tree.

"Kira." Mark greeted. She smiled.

She suddenly did not know what to say or do.

"Here. For you." She said giving him the bag.

"Thank you. Sabrina is here. Have fun." 

She walked further into the apartment, spotting Sophia approaching.

"Kira! What do you think?" She said. Kira could not help but notice that this ball had everything. It was perfect. She kept trying to find one thing that is not right, but she failed. She admitted it to herself.

Sophia did a great job.

"It looks nice."

"Is everything okay?" Sophia asked and Kira's blood froze. Sophia had that annoying sixth sense to read people.

"Of course... Oh, there is Sabrina. I better say hi." She said walking away.


Sabrina came here alone. Her friends still did not know about her Chris, and it freaked her out. So, she told the hottie to meet her there.

She was wearing a white Gucci gown with high leg sit and deep V neck. Her hair was, for the first time in forever, tied in a bun at the back of her head.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of arms around her waist and she smiled.

"Hey Christian." She said.

She turned around to face him, and she was about to kiss him on the lips, but Kira's voice stopped her. She pushed Chris away from her, and smiled to Kira.

"Sabrina I need your help."


Sophia and Mark were dancing to a slow tune. 

"Something is going on." She murmured  and Mark stopped moving.

"What's up?"

"You know my sixth sense? I felt something with both Sabrina and Kira."

She said looking the two girl whispering in the corner.

"I did not notice, babe. Maybe it's nothing." He said trying to calm her down.

"Chris too. Do you know something?" She said spotting Chris.

"Chris? Please. He never had a problem in his life."

"I ma gonna go there." Sophia said trying to free herself from his grip.

"Finish the dance first." She nodded.


"Kira. That is fucked up." Sabrina commented one Kira told her what she did. 

"I know. But the gift is under the Christmas tree. What I am going to do?!"

"Okay, chill. Sophia probably would not notice. What I want to know is, how come that you did not tell me that you were in love with Mark? I mean, you tell me everything." Sabrina said.

"I couldn't. How can you understand when I do not understand it?" Kira said. Her voice was full of desperation.

"I do not have to understand, Kira. I am your best friend. I am here to listen." Sabrina said, but she was scared that Kira wouldn't be mad when she heard about her love interest. 

"And that is why I should tell you, Kira, as your best friend, that I am seeing Chris." She said and Kira's eyes widened. 

It was not a secret that Kira missed Chris as a friend, and that she would probably give up everything if she could change the fact that they haven't talked as friends since the break-up. Kira always blamed herself for the not-talking part, but if she knew that Sabrina was the one to be blamed, things would've turned out totally different. 

"I am sorry."

"Sorry? You. Are. Sorry? I told you how much I've wanted to be friends with him, and you go off and share a bed with him? He did not want to talk to me because of you, and you are sorry?!" Kira yelled and people all around them looked at them. But that did not stop her.

"How dare you?!"

"I thought that you wouldn't care because you are in love with Mark!" Sabrina yelled back, and regretting it once she realized that Mark and Sophia were standing behind them listening.   

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